Tag: survive

The Austramerican (Australian) West

The Austramerican (Australian) West on “They Were Preppers“ By John Greemway Reading By: Doug aka GoatHollow To go into the Australian West is to go into the past. Yet wherever you go, however remote in distance or in time, America and its own West intrudes. A year ago I went to the edge of the Old…
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December 18, 2013 0

Rabbits and HAM: Food and Commo for the End of the World!

One of the simplest ways to prepare for disaster is to buy and stock up on ready-made foods and gear. There is nothing wrong with this unless it is your only strategy or unless you are only interested in being able to survive for a week or two. However, during any kind of disaster that…
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August 28, 2013 0

The horrors that can come from military rule!

With the military taking control in Egypt. It brings real life examples of the horrors that can come to fruition under military rule. I believe ousting the Muslim Brotherhood is the best thing for Egypt but the body count is over 800! Tonight on I Am Liberty we are going to talk about a Military…
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August 23, 2013 2

Do you have the equipment you need to survive?

Many of you realize that a lot of emergency gear can be found at local hardware, camping, and department stores.  But do you really know how well that stuff is going to work when you really need it? As you know by now, I spent last weekend at the provincial meet in Huntsville, Ontario.  For…
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July 27, 2013 0

Groups to Survive on The Gun Show!

We all know the importance of preparing for a disaster, but who all is in your group? Do you have a medic or a vet, a dentist or a seamstress? On this Monday, June 3rd edition of The Gun Show, Dave Womach teams up with his brother Chet for a full out break down of…
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June 3, 2013 0

Power! What you can do to get by during an emergency situation.

This week on The Prepared Canadian, we’ll take a look at power.  No, not the political type, but how t have enough power to get by during an emergency situation.  A simple inverter, a few extension cords, some rechargeable batteries along with some common sense and power saving tips will get you through most of…
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April 26, 2013 0

Learn what you need to survive in a real life hell on American Preppers Radio!

This Monday on The Gun Show learn what you need to survive in a real life hell! When people think about TEOTWAWKI or SHTF, they envision a lawless world full of looting and chaos.  They picture a victorious scenario of winning all the gunfights, and their family, friends, and neighbors all end up unscathed. After…
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April 22, 2013 0

Goshen, reveals how to establish healthy, sustainable community, despite global disease and famine.

What would you be willing to do to prove a point?  Would you be willing to take off your shoes, and go barefoot for as long as it takes to achieve your goal? Dana Richardson and Sarah Zentz, probably best known for their work as a production team on the Back to Eden movie with…
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February 7, 2013 0

Preparing now for a worst case scenario.

Regardless if we fear a super-earthquake, a volcano eruption, war, or an EMP attack, survival will depend on being prepared. Only those who take on the responsibility now and are ready to learn sustainable skills will survive with some sense of security. Join Common Sense Prepping with Deb as she and her guest Host, Sargent…
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February 1, 2013 0

Stranded with nothing to eat, what will you do?

Stranded with nothing to eat, what will you do? This is our topic for the upcoming episode of “Foraging For Life“. The scenarios below are just a couple of untold numbers that could actually take place and put you in a position of having to forage for food in order to survive. You’re heading home…
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January 11, 2013 0

Do you have what it takes to survive an evacuation at a moment’s notice?

Do you have what it takes to survive an evacuation at a moment’s notice?  What would you be left with if your home were destroyed by fire or a tornado?   There can be any number of disasters that can force you to leave your home without the time to think.  What if you needed to…
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December 15, 2012 0

“Common Sense Prepping” and specifics on food storage.

Join Deb today on “Common Sense Prepping” as she gets specific on food storage.  Many new Preppers ask what exactly they need to have in a full months’ food supply. This week, Deb will let you know what to buy and how to get a good start on your storage in a hurry. Deb will…
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November 23, 2012 0

FullSpectrumSurvival! Are you prepared to survive any situation?

Are you prepared to survive any situation? I’m not, so how do we get to that point in our comfort level of preparedness? Join “FullSpectrumSurvival” November 6th at 8pm central time with BexarPrepper  the host of  “Preparing for Life’s Storms” as we learn how to evaluate our environment and prepare our own scenario’s to greatly…
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November 6, 2012 0