Tag: Survivalists

Community Rules for Preppers and Survivalists!

Community Rules for Preppers and Survivalists James Walton “I Am Liberty” Audio player provided! The community is our greatest ally. It’s not our bugout bag, our network of government moles or even our high-powered arsenal. All the information in the world cannot help you if it all comes crashing down.  When you look at real…
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June 22, 2017 0

Herbalist Katja Swift Interview!

Herbalist Katja Swift Interview Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Listen in player below! This week on Herbal Prepper Live, I will be chatting with Boston-based herbalist Katja Swift. Katja, along with Ryn Midura, founded the CommonWealth Center for Herbal Medicine in Boston, Massachusetts. Katja is the center’s Director of Education. 

October 31, 2016 0

Law Enforcement & Preparedness!

Law Enforcement & Preparedness! Josh “The 7P’s of Survival” On this episode of the 7 P’s Of Survival Show we will be going a little different direction than normal. We are out of the wilderness and into the mind of James Leery a law enforcement veteran and the proprietor of planandprepared. James is also a member…
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July 6, 2016 0

Mike Lowe From History’s ALONE

Mike Lowe From History’s ALONE Josh “The 7P’s of Survival” On this program we have Mike Lowe from History Channels Alone on the show and we talk about his life’s journey leading up to his choice to take part in ALONE. Once we learn a little about his background we dig into what he decided to…
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April 27, 2016 0

Is Prepping Really Dead?

Is Prepping Really Dead? Highlander “survival & Tech Preps” In these days of doubt can we really say Prepping is dead? Or are we now labeled as paranoid wackos with guns in the woods? After the flop of certain tv shows that depicted preppers in a very bad light, what are we thought of now?…
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April 19, 2016 0

Nationalism or Survivalists, Preppers, Patriots

Nationalism or Survivalists, Preppers, Patriots Host: James Walton “I Am Liberty” We are looking down the barrel of another loaded gun. Unfortunately its one that will target the very people that hold this nation closest to its heart. If you have loved America and its founding principles to any degree you have been targeted for…
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July 18, 2014 0

Survivalists, Preppers and the others, Whats the difference?

About a year ago I wrote a post for the Canadian Preppers Network blog called Two Solitudes. The article was about a division I saw developing between those who consider themselves Preppers and those that consider themselves survivalists. Now, this divide seems to be growing. What’s worse is that there is a whole new category…
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August 24, 2013 0