Tag: Survival Skills

Bushcrafting for Preppers: Feathersticks and Fire Starting PT1.

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November 5, 2020 0

7 Basic Survival Skills Every Man Should Know!

7 Basic Survival Skills Every Man Should Know! The modern convenience can blind us to the truth of a disaster striking. But once in a while, we have to contend with one of the many disasters that can test our will to survive. Think of a horrendous storm or bushfire that knocks out power. Even…
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May 22, 2018 0

Angling, a lost art for survival and the soul

Angling, a lost art for survival and the soul James Walton “I Am Liberty” Audio player below! There may be no greater way to find balance in this mad mad mad mad world than to stand on the banks of a river in July with the sun winking at you from the horizon. Fishing rod…
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January 11, 2018 0

Bushcraft: must have prepper survival skills!

Bushcraft: must have prepper survival skills! Forrest & Kyle “The Prepping Academy” Audio in player below! Kyle and Forrest discuss bushcraft. What the heck is bushcraft? Isn’t that for survivalist and mountain men? It’s for everybody! Learning bushcraft skills should be one of the fountains stones for your preparedness pyramid. Before we get in to…
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March 11, 2017 0

Bushcraft 101

Bushcraft 101 John Smith “Disaster Prep Guides” Audio in player below! Bushcraft is a term for wilderness survival skills that was originally created in Australia and South Africa. There are some areas in Australia that are called “The Bush,” which is an area that is mostly wilderness. If you are lacking the needed survival skills,…
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February 15, 2017 0

Survival Skills For Women

Survival Skills For Women A general perception about women is that they are weak and vulnerable and are not capable of handling tough situations as people think they react more easily than their male counterparts. It’s not just men who believe in this whole women being weak concept but most women sell themselves short when…
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October 24, 2015 0

Kids and Winter Survival Skills!

Kids and Winter Survival Skills! My kids have had their sleds lined up by the garage door since Thanksgiving. They’ve been trying on their snow clothes and eyeing new ski jackets in the L.L. Bean catalog and are ready to get out in the snow and burn some serious calories! I love to watch them…
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October 23, 2015 0

New to Prepping? Hiking, The Best Thing You Can Do!

New to Prepping? Here’s why Hiking is The Best Thing You Can Do A lot of newbie preppers start out with buying things. Emergency food, water, survival knives, bug out bags… who hasn’t felt safer after buying some preps. In reality, this is the worst thing you can do as a newbie prepper. You buy…
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August 29, 2015 0

Survival Skills and Hands on Training!

Survival Skills and Hands on Training! James Walton “I Am Liberty” From bush craft to natural medicines and even good old fashioned self defense. Tonight on I Am Liberty we have Sam Coffman. The man behind www.thehumanpath.com, in my opinion, the most comprehensive survival school in the country. There is no substitute for on the…
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June 12, 2015 0

The Herbal Prepper & The Herbal Medic!

The Herbal Prepper & The Herbal Medic! Interview with Sam Coffman of The Herbal Medic Host: Cat Ellis “The Herbal Prepper” This Sunday at 7pm EST/4pm PST, join me as I interview clinical herbalist Sam Coffman. Sam is a former Green Beret, as well as the voice behind, “The Herbal Medic” which airs on Prepper…
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October 26, 2014 0

Health Care Solutions / Herbal Medicine!

Health Care Solutions / Herbal Medicine!  Host: A Preppers Path Health care is on the minds of many particularly this week with the Obamacare Health Exchanges going on line Tuesday morning. A controversial plan at best, our Nation has embarked on a new course for health care and the people. Notice I didn’t say its people,…
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October 6, 2013 0

Self Reliance and Independence: All about Outdoor Skills!

Tonight, Friday 9/16/2011 8:00pm/Central on the Prepper Broadcasting Network. Jamie visits Gman for awesome show about outdoor skills. Among his many accomplishments he is an expert in making bows, primitive arrows, rope, cordage, the use of pine pitch and wild

September 15, 2011 0

The Other Side…A Preppers Path meets Survivor Jane!

Sunday 9/10/2011 1pm/Central Ladies and the Men who treasure their Ladies tune in on this 10th Anniversary of 9/11 to talk with and share survival info with none other than SurvivorJane.  Our favorite girlie girl who was once clueless about politics/economy/ & disasters  whose Mission has become: The sharing of  survival skills/frugal tips/prepping/

September 10, 2011 0