Tag: Survival Mom

Lisa Bedford, Facing An Uncertain Future!

Lisa Bedford, The Survival Mom Weighs In On Facing An Uncertain Future Host: Karen Lynn “Little Suburban Homestead” Karen Lynn is so excited to interview The Survival Mom herself Lisa Bedford this Tuesday at 9pm est/6pm central. Karen Lynn’s Radio Show first aired at Survival Mom Radio before moving to the Prepper Broadcasting Network and…
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May 12, 2015 0

Over 40 “Hot and Smoking Preppers”

Over 40 “Hot and Smoking” It has been only a short 3 weeks and the NEW 24/7 format with over 40 shows has turned a lot of heads. Who would have known that there could have been so many podcasters out there eager to share what they know best, “self-reliance and independence”? The fact is…
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August 11, 2014 0

Sustainability with Survival Mom

Sustainability with Survival Mom Host: Nick & Don “We Grow Ours” This week on the We Grow Ours show, Nick and have Lisa Bedford “The Survival Mom” on the show sharing with us not only how she got started, but some great advice on prepping and how YOU can get started. Lisa is one of…
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July 7, 2014 0

The Survival Mom on The Gun Show

The Survival Mom on The Gun Show Host: Dave Womach “Best of P.B.N.” Dave Womach meets up with Lisa Bedford, The Survival Mom, to get a woman’s perspective on prepping. You’ve surely seen her on National Geographic’s Doomsday Preppers, and now’s your chance to get up close and personal with her on air. Prepping as…
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June 17, 2014 0

The Survival Mom joins The Other Side…A Preppers Path!

The Survival Mom, Lisa Bedford strolls down The Other Side of a Preppers Path with Lynna. Don’t miss your chance to meet and share with The Survival Mom. Lisa began her public trek to preparedness in 2009 with the advent of her blog “The Survival Mom”. She has become a reliable steady voice for living…
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September 20, 2012 0

Survivor-Jane, It’s A Disaster’s Janet Liesbch, JJ Johnson,Goat Hollow, Survival Mom, Katzcradul, Atticus9799 and more on American Preppers Radio!

National Preparedness Month September 2012. Yes it’s that time again, a month long focus on getting and being Prepared for Emergencies or just plain living. The Other Side of A Preppers Path kicks off Natl Preparedness with a round table of Preparedness Experts. King Arthur had his knights of the round table BUT we have…
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September 6, 2012 0