Tag: sugar

Sugar and Soured Health

Sugar and Soured Health Bob Hawkins “The APN Report“ Audio in player below! The last APN Report was all about lowering the amount of salt in a diet as a good way to lose weight. Not so much of a diet but more of a lifestyle choice & awareness of what is in the foods we…
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March 31, 2017 0

Sugar, foods, and health in prepping!

Sugar, foods, and health in prepping! James Walton “I Am Liberty” I was sitting in the sauna today after a grueling workout it came to me. I was dripping sweat and staring the scorching ground of the sauna thinking about how hard it had been to avoid sugar for the 3 weeks I have been…
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April 23, 2016 0

Making Sugar and no Bees or Trees

Making Sugar and no Bees or Trees Author: Stephanie Dayle Making Sugar Without Bees or Trees It started like this.  In my quest for self-sufficiency, I wanted to have the ability to produce my own sugar if need be.  I planned on adding bees to the farmstead this last spring – but ‘we’ spent money…
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April 10, 2015 0

Sugar vs. Sweeteners

Sugar vs. Sweeteners Host: Noreen “The Homestead Honey Hour” We hear it everyday. Sugar is bad for you! But is it really? How do we know? Just because a bunch of advertisers and talking head, corporate doctors tell us that? While it is important to eat all things in moderation, the truth of the matter…
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May 15, 2014 0

Beekeeping and the rewards!

Bee keeping and the rewards (part1) Hosts: Nick and Don “We Grow Ours” WeGrowOurs is dedicating this show to the furry little flying critters that allow all of us to grow our own food! Bees are an amazing super-organism that not only provide the nectar of the gods, but allow us to grow our food! These little…
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May 5, 2014 0