Tag: students

7 Tips to Effectively Teach Students Disaster Preparedness

Unexpected disasters can leave unprepared students in a state of shock and cause more risk for everyone present. Teaching students how to deal with disasters can be a huge step towards improving their safety and increasing their preparedness in such situations. Knowing how to act safely is not something that they will understand on their…
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February 25, 2020 0

Battlefield America Part 5 M(BC)2

Battlefield America Part 5 M(BC)2 Allen Getz ” Behind The Headlines ” Audio player below! For this episode of Behind the Lines, we examine a specific text used in academia today which molds collegiate students thinking regarding society. A short review of the preceding episode will lead into this analysis. This dissection will develop into…
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June 19, 2018 0

The Human Path School – what is it all about?

The Human Path School – what is it all about? Host: Sam Coffman “The Human Path” Sam Coffman has been teaching survival-related concepts for over 25 years.  Six years ago he founded The Human Path, a school that combines an unbelievably wide breadth of information and is taught by over a dozen instructors with over…
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February 18, 2014 0

Useful Idiots or Sheeple, A fine line!

Useful Idiots or Sheeple, A fine line! Host: Prepper Logic “Useful idiots”, years ago a harsh term used for people perceived as propagandists, usually in support of a person or a cause for which they did not completely understand. Many politicians in our own government know all to well what the term means and use…
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December 10, 2013 0