Tag: strains

Poultices and Salves

Poultices and Salves Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Audio in player below! Herbal poultices and salves are essential elements in your herbal first aid kit. In this episode, I will walk you through how to make both poultices and salves. Poultices and salves are both topical applications and ideal for all sorts of injuries. Sprains,…
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February 20, 2017 0

Ebola, The Virus!

Ebola,  The  Virus Host: Sam Coffman “The Human Path” I have had so many emails asking me about herbal possibilities in dealing with Ebola virus, that I am going to come out of what was meant to be a month-long hiatus (taken due to being so busy) and talk about Ebola. This is obviously uncharted…
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August 5, 2014 0

Wound Healing and Herbs, Part 2

Wound Healing and Herbs, Part 2 Host: Sam Coffman “The Human Path” In last week’s podcast, we focused on bone injuries and how to greatly increase their healing using nutrition and herbs. This week we will cover soft tissue injuries, from bruises, sprains and strains to lacerations, burns and abrasions. Much like bone injuries, there…
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January 21, 2014 0

Wound Healing and Herbs, Part 1:

Wound Healing and Herbs, Part 1 Host: Sam Coffman “The Human Path” In last week’s podcast on “The Human Path” I talked about gunshot wounds in a post-disaster environment.  I know that this is a little bit of a depressing subject, because for a serious gunshot wound, especially a high-velocity round to the torso (as…
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January 14, 2014 0