Tag: Sources

Alternate Sources of Power in Grid Down!

Alternate Sources of Power in Grid Down! Micheal Kline “Reality Check” Audio player below In this show, we are NOT discussing solar, wind, or hydro per se. Everyone talks about having solar power in grid down, but there are other sources of power that can be had. Now we are not going to be talking…
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March 10, 2018 0

Developing Self Reliant Food Sources in 2018

Developing Self Reliant Food Sources in 2018 Host: James Walton “I Am Liberty” Audio player below! Last week I did a podcast on the fact that American was bleeding out. We are losing our personal liberty at an astounding rate. The tighter packed we are into suburban life the faster these freedoms are draining. It is…
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November 16, 2017 0

Alternative Energy!

Alternative Energy in Depth! Brett Bauma “Makers on Acres” What are some of the benefits of adding alternative energy to our homes and farms? What are some of the negatives? We discuss many of the different types of alternative energy and the benefits and downfalls of each. From wind power to solar and everything in…
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April 17, 2016 0

Bottled Water-Is It Really Safe for Your Family?

Bottled Water-Is It Really Safe for Your Family? Water is everywhere, right? It’s a natural resource. As a smart prepper you know that water is one of those basic necessities you need to have stockpiled when SHTF. The most convenient way to stockpile water for a lot of preppers, especially those who urban dwellers, planning…
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March 26, 2016 0