Tag: society

The Imminent Threat of Societal Distrust!

The Imminent Threat of Societal Distrust! James Walton “I Am Liberty” Audio in player below! There is no doubt that our society has less trust in the major institutions that we have built our society on. We are moving out of a time where the people have been so inundated with truth and reality. In…
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December 15, 2016 0

Situation Awareness

Situation Awareness James Walton “I Am Liberty” Bloodshed, shootings, cuttings, hackings, its just another day in America. Movie theaters, schools, malls and other public places are becoming shooting ranges. Its a frightening truth that today in America you better know about the people around you and the settings. You also better understand that at any…
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August 7, 2015 0

Being a Good Shepherd

Being a Good Shepherd Host: Aaron, Jonathan, & Jason “In The Rabbit Hole” In this episode hosts Aaron and Jason unveil a new ITRH concept. It all begins with a question: Can a world survive with only sheep, sheepdogs, and the wolves? You see, Lt. Col Dave Grossman first popularized the notion of sheepdogs: They…
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April 27, 2015 0

Love in society!

Love in society! Host: James Walton “I Am Liberty” Sitting on the eve of Valentine’s I think it’s important that we discuss the power of love in society. What love means to a society and how to preserve it in the tough times ahead. Of course tough times is very subjective but there will be…
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February 12, 2015 0

Transforming Society, The Solutions!

Transforming Society, The Solutions! Host: Doug “Goat Hollow” A special edition replay of GoatHollow and the Surreal News… Transforming Society, The Solutions, and a look into the book “Countdown to Preparedness“.  Not at your Homestead level, but on a National scale!!! We’ll be discussing some shining examples of how we can transform our society, end fossil fuel use,…
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December 26, 2014 0

Living in the Apocalypse!

Living in the Apocalypse Host: Jacqueline Druga “Apocalypse Nana” To many people, if you ask them the question, “What would it be like to live in the Apocalypse?” Many would reply that they didn’t know or wouldn’t want to know. The Apocalypse is known as the end all of civilization and possible the earth. But…
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October 23, 2014 0

The collapse, when change will matter!

The Collapse, when change will matter! Host: James Walton “I Am Liberty” How many nations have fallen into a complete collapse? Better yet, in the last 200 years how many first world nations have broken down completely into complete chaos? This is not to say that the perfect scenario and the perfect set of circumstances couldn’t…
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August 15, 2014 0

The Solutions to Transform Society!

The Solutions to Transform Society! Host: Doug “Goat Hollow” Join GoatHollow this Wednesday for a special edition of GoatHollow and the Surreal News Solutions! and a chance to get a copy of “Countdown to Preparedness“.  Not at your Homestead level, but on a National scale!!! We’ll be discussing some shining examples of how we can…
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May 28, 2014 2

Preparing our Communities!

Preparing our Communities! Host: James Walton “I Am Liberty” The turmoil in the world is ever growing. The deeper we dig the worse it gets. The lungs tighten and breath gets short. It gets to the point where, if you’re not careful, you can get rather jaded about this life. The news, the leadership and…
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March 14, 2014 0

The Gunfighter and Society

“The Gunfighter and Society” Host: GoatHollow “The Gunfighter and Society”, is the title of an article to be read by GoatHollow on this broadcast of “They Were Preppers“. Following is an excerpt from that article written some 50 years ago. The changes in society’s perception seen then can be seen now in today’s media. However…
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October 16, 2013 0

The effects of EMPs on a society!

On this episode of the Doom and Bloom ™ Hour we welcome EMP Expert G Michael Hopf, author of “The End, A Post-apocalyptic Novel.  We’ll discuss his book,  the effects of EMPs on a society, and the likely fallout from this type of scenario.  We’ll also talk about the upcoming Self-Sustainable Expo in San Diego…
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May 12, 2013 1

Beware Preppers! Government infringement, raising the children!

      I don’t believe that arms control is going to resolve the problems that we face as a Nation. The slow and steady deterioration of the family unit, which in turn has cause and effect on the health of a community and ultimately the Nation is the root of the problem. Is mental illness new?…
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January 17, 2013 0

Desperate times for Preppers?

“The Disturbance in the Force”  Join Prepping With GoatHollow this Wed at 8pm Central time, for a discussion on becoming desperate.  As “Preppers”, we seem to be getting more and more worried about the way things are going.  It seems like time is getting shorter, and it’s as if you can feel it in the…
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September 12, 2012 0