Tag: Shows

Why not chat?

Why not chat? Finding quality shows to meet the demands of the prepper survival listening audience is no easy task. As producer of Prepper Broadcasting I’ve worked with many podcasters over the last several years. I have had many favorites but on occasion I have to stop and wonder, do I really have favorites? While…
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November 12, 2017 0

It’s BIG! Really BIG!

It’s BIG! Really BIG! For the past several weeks here at Prepper Broadcasting we have been waiting patiently for not just any show but the right show to come along and fill Thursday nights where we have been broadcasting the “Best of” series. Then it happens, we found a show that will knock your socks…
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October 29, 2017 0

The SGK SHOW Gun and Prepper Shows

The SGK SHOW Gun and Prepper Shows Host: James Walton “I Am Liberty” Audio in player below! There is a growing set of prepper shows that are running around the nation on an annual basis. Chances are there is one coming to a expo center near you. The price to get in is minimal and…
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February 2, 2017 0

How Many Prepper/Survival Shows Do You Know?

How Many Prepper/Survival Shows Do You Know? Share this list of shows with your friends. Beer Sessions Radio. The Farm Report. What Doesn’t Kill You. Herbal Prepper Live “Encore” In The Rabbit Hole. Survival Podcast. Food Talk. The Preparedness Podcast.

June 30, 2016 0

Movies & Shows for the Prepper!

Movies & Shows for the Prepper! Highlander “Survival and Tech Preps” This show I will talk about the best Prepper style movies, and television shows. There are many that have popped up within the past 20 years and a lot of them make you think, are you really prepared? We may see a lot of…
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March 15, 2016 0

Over 40 “Hot and Smoking Preppers”

Over 40 “Hot and Smoking” It has been only a short 3 weeks and the NEW 24/7 format with over 40 shows has turned a lot of heads. Who would have known that there could have been so many podcasters out there eager to share what they know best, “self-reliance and independence”? The fact is…
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August 11, 2014 0

A Giant Appears and Don’t Lose Focus!

A Giant Appears and Don’t Lose Focus! With the excitement of two stories I have before me I’ve decided to put them together starting off with “A Giant Appears” followed by “Don’t Lose Focus“. I have no doubts both will peak your interest. “A Giant Appears” In confinement there are certain creatures whose growth are determined by…
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April 19, 2014 0

Communism and socialism in America, our government, our schools, our ….

This week on Charlie in the Box will be a continuation from last week’s show, Communism and socialism in America. In our schools, our government, music, TV. shows and movies. We as American’s for far too long have been going down this road allowing government to grow too big in a short amount of time. That is one of the…
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April 19, 2013 0

What is happening with the shows on Prepper Broadcasting?

Changes are a coming. I have recently received messages and emails of concern from several listeners wondering “what has happened to the shows” they like to listen to. With the exception of Common Sense Prepping (waiting for confirmations) they are all still here and we have added more but changes have been made. Do to…
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March 1, 2013 0

American Preppers Radio Special!

Could it be? The Homestead Honeys, Goat Hollow, Aj Prepper, Bexar Prepper, RedHorse_Ronin, Prepper Folks, The HillBilly Prepper Gals and all the other hosts from this network getting together for a single show? It’s looking that way. Visit us all in the player below and listen in to Tuesday’s show for what was a very…
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June 27, 2012 0

A.P.R. Announces…”Times are a changin’

Preppers Pointin moved up. The Other Side moved back. The Honey Hour moved up. The Armchair moved forward. The Hoss just moved on. Confused? Tell me about it, but I think I got it down. Here is our new schedule loaded with some great shows, some new shows at times that may work better for…
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April 8, 2012 0