Tag: shelters

Survival Shelters!

Survival Shelters Handbook Book Review Josh “7P’s of Survival” I received The Complete Survival Shelter Handbook: A Step-By-Step Guide to Building Lifesaving Structures for Every Climate and Wilderness Situation. The author (Anthonio Aakkermans) is in Europe making it very impractical for him to be on this live program. Instead, this show we go through the book chapter…
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June 22, 2016 0

Shelters and Whats best for you!

This Friday on In Time of Disaster we continued our discussion on shelters and attempt to discover what type of shelter would be the best for you and your family. Do you have plans for a long term for shelter in the event of a major disaster? Having the ability to build a shelter is…
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July 20, 2012 0

Sheltering in time of disaster!

This show covered Temporary Sheltering. If you have to Bug-out on foot and travel many miles to your safe place, where would you spend the nights? wher would you find shelter in an urban area? Discussing all types of over-night shelters from lean-to’s to finding an old barn and to safety of being alone in…
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March 30, 2012 0