Tag: Shelter

How to Make and Use a Wickiup Shelter

The Algonquians were one of many American tribes that used the woods and the land to survive. The wickiup shelter was created, and the name coined, by this tribe. Their word for home-dwelling was “wikiyap” and it was this kind of teepee-style shelter. Read the rest of this article written by James over at Survival World

May 3, 2022 0

“Give Me Shelter” – The Next Generation Show

Shelter is huge. Shelter keeps us shielded from harsh weather. Shelter allows us to function at a normal level. Shelter brings the most basic of comforts. But without it, we are exposed. Vulnerable. Extreme cold, or extreme heat, combined with either humidity or dry air has potential to significantly reduce our ability to survive. Last…
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April 20, 2019 0

Shelter in place!

Shelter in place Dane… “The Gunmetal Armory” Audio player provided! This week on the GunMetal Armory we’re going to talk about Shelter in place. Shelter in place is something that many different survival blogs and podcasts have addressed and it is something that is extremely important when it comes to any type of an emergency…
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July 20, 2018 0

10 survival tips you must to know!

10 survival tips you must to know If you are going hiking and the path that you are about to take is not familiar for you, the first thing you need to do is to gather as much information as you can about the place. You will need to do an internet research and read…
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June 23, 2018 0

10 things you should know about the sun to survive!

10 things you should know about the sun to survive! For an average Earthman, the Sun is the source of life. But if you find yourself stuck in the desert, you will soon start thinking the opposite. Although it takes light from the Sun 8 minutes to reach our planet, it is still powerful enough…
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March 13, 2018 0

Vehicular Prep Part 2: Movement & Dismount

Vehicular Prep Part 2: Movement & Dismount Dane… “The Gunmetal Armory” Audio player provided! On this episode of The Gunmetal Armory… we dive into the second Part of Vehicular Prep: Movement & Dismount. Vehicular Prep is not just about the Gear we carry within and the emergencies we are prepared for, it is also about…
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February 23, 2018 0

A Few Quick Bushcraft Tips and Tricks

A Few Quick Bushcraft Tips and Tricks There are literally hundreds of tips and tricks out there that are useful in a survival or bushcraft situation. We’ll focus on the four categories needed to secure the basic things you need for survival. If you follow the survival rule of threes, then your basic requirements for…
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April 28, 2017 2

Bushcraft 101

Bushcraft 101 John Smith “Disaster Prep Guides” Audio in player below! Bushcraft is a term for wilderness survival skills that was originally created in Australia and South Africa. There are some areas in Australia that are called “The Bush,” which is an area that is mostly wilderness. If you are lacking the needed survival skills,…
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February 15, 2017 0

Taking your Home Back!

Taking your Home Back! Host: James Walton “I Am Liberty” Audio in player below! If you have lived through a terrifying survival situation the disaster itself could only be the beginning. This is especially true in urban areas. Are you prepared to be under siege by multiple attackers in your home? You may or may…
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January 26, 2017 0

21 Situations Where Paracord Can Save Your Life!

21 Situations Where Paracord Can Save Your Life There are simply hundreds of little things that can go awry on any given day. This is especially true following a SHTF event when resources are scarce and things are chaotic. When you begin to understand this, you realize that you cannot possibly carry every piece of…
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November 2, 2016 0

Intro to Prepping – 101

Intro to Prepping – 101 A step-by-step process to becoming a prepared prepper. Forrest Garvin “”The PreppingAcademy” On this episode Forrest and Kyle begin their “Intro To Prepping 101” series. We’ll also hear more on why they became Preppers and reasons you should too! Whether you’ve been a prepper since the Cuban Missile Crisis, or just…
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July 23, 2016 0

Priorities -vs- comfort!

Priorities -vs- comfort DJ Cooper “Surviving Dystopia” In our preparations we tend to focus on the priorities. Usually these are a pretty standard list of things.  Water, food, shelter, first aid and security.  We always seem to find some new gadget or item to add to these groups but forget something that could be just…
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April 21, 2016 0

The Ultimate Survival Kit!

The Ultimate Survival Kit “Be prepared for the worst,” this is what we hear every day but look around- are you really prepared? If tomorrow a disaster strikes or a war breaks out, is your survival plan set? Most of us do not even know where to begin with! Preparing for the worst is very…
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March 19, 2016 0