Tag: sharing

Love and Preparing

Love and Preparing Host: James Walton “I Am Liberty” What is love? When you envision this worst case world I am sure one of the last things on your mind is love. Its very tough to think about these things when your biggest concerns are eating, drinking, and surviving. Still, what are we without this…
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November 21, 2014 0

Hosts of Prepper/Survival Broadcasts, Deserving Thanks!

Hosts of Prepper/Survival Broadcasts, Deserving Thanks! I once wondered why the hosts of pepper/survival related talk shows spent the countless hours sitting behind a computer sifting through and researching news articles, stories, and information for a broadcast. It’s not just the time spent there but also the effort put into producing and the presentation of…
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July 21, 2014 0

Turning Dreams to Realities!

Turning Dreams to Realities- Host: Lynna “The Other Side… A Preppers Path” It’s a nightmare in the making and far from the ole American dream. Who hasn’t looked around and begun to wonder about the economic future and possible impacts of a continually slowing and possible collapse of our economic world. Food prices, once fairly…
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March 2, 2014 0

The Premier of “Charlie in the Box Radio”

This first show of Charlie In The Box is not going to be like any others that you’ve listen too. I need you to always have ready a pen and paper, the information that I will be sharing needs to be researched for yourself. I would never want you to believe me. If there is…
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February 23, 2013 0

Mutual Aid, fun and encouragement!

This Tuesday at 8:00pm/Central  “The Crooked Path to Preparedness” will be packed with fun and encouragement, as always.  The topic will be Mutual Aid and we are guest staring The MinnesotaPrepperGals aka Allen2045, PrepperChickie and Petprepper. These gals are not only talented they are a hoot and a holler! Sissy Bob asked them to be…
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September 24, 2012 0