Tag: Security

What is your bug out plan?

What is your bug out plan? Highlander “Survival and Tech Preps” What is your bug out plan? I know what mine is! Do you have one? Or are you counting on being able to bug in and rely on your preps? If so I have some bad news for you, you might be in trouble!…
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June 7, 2016 0

Survival groups why do you need one?

Survival groups why do you need one? DJ Cooper “Surviving Dystopia” You considered all the scenarios and you feel prepared.  One thing troubles you, others…  There must be others out there that think like you do.  Others that think like you do that can offer assistance, others to barter with.  You know that it is…
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May 19, 2016 0

Priorities -vs- comfort!

Priorities -vs- comfort DJ Cooper “Surviving Dystopia” In our preparations we tend to focus on the priorities. Usually these are a pretty standard list of things.  Water, food, shelter, first aid and security.  We always seem to find some new gadget or item to add to these groups but forget something that could be just…
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April 21, 2016 0

Cyber security, preventing attacks!

Cyber security, preventing attacks! Highlander “Survival and Prep Techs” In the program below we revisit the need for cyber security not only on your devices but in the real world. I discuss what measures we need to take in our everyday lives that we should and must put in place if we want to maintain…
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April 5, 2016 0

Night Time Visitors!

What to do if Someone Knocks at your Door in the Middle of the Night Imagine waking to a loud banging on your door in the middle of the night. Chances are it would be someone who just needs your help. But it could also be someone intent on causing trouble for you and your…
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February 13, 2016 1

Protecting your preps!

What to think about when protecting your preps. D.J. Cooper “Surviving Dystopia” You’ve spent time and energy figuring out what to store and how.  You’ve learned proper storage techniques and spent a significant amount on those cans of tuna and other items you have stored away.  The next thing you know you return from your…
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December 24, 2015 0

OPSEC The Quiet Life!

OPSEC The Quiet Life! D J Cooper “Surviving Dystopia” So, you just bought a shiny new  WonderMill grain mill. You ordered it online and it finally arrived in the mail today. Hastily you open the package and excited with your new prepper gadget you swiftly break out the grain and whip up a lovely loaf…
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December 10, 2015 0

Spy Secrets That Can Save Your Life!

Spy Secrets That Can Save Your Life! Josh “The 7P’s of Survival” This week on the 7 P’s Of Survival Show we will be talking about spy safety and survival techniques that can save your life all while keeping you and those you love protected from danger. We will have Jason Hanson, a former CIA…
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September 15, 2015 1

Cyber Attacks: Are we safe?

Cyber Attacks: Are we safe? Part I – Under Attack Dirty Lew & Highlander “Tech Preps” In this episode of “Tech Preps,” we will be discussing Part One of a Two Part series on “Cyber Attacks.” What’s a Cyber Attack? A cyber attack is breach of network security due to a hacking, cracking or phishing…
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May 23, 2015 0

Dogs and Self Defense!

Dogs and Self Defense! Host: James Walton “I Am Liberty” In this age of ever growing threats we all want to feel a little more secure. Did you hear our wonderful president is piloting a foreign parole program for immigrants south of the boarder. How about the Mexican militaries discovery of an ISIS stronghold just…
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April 17, 2015 0

Survivalpunk & Prepper Recon on Security

Survivalpunk & Prepper Recon on Security Join James and Mike with Special guest mark Goodwin from the site Preperrecon and new book Retreat Security and Small Unit Tactics.  Mark Goodwin is a Christian constitutional author and the host of the popular Prepper Recon Podcast which interviews patriots, preppers and economists each week on PrepperRecon.com to…
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October 4, 2014 0

How to “prep” when in debt?

How to “prep” when in debt? I’ve heard the question and seen it posed on many forums; do I forgo bills in order to build my preps? Maybe pay just the minimum on my bills in order to build on my preps or do I not worry about my preps until I have my bills…
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September 13, 2014 4

Defend yourself, consider police as backup!

Defend yourself, consider police as backup Host: James Walton “I Am Liberty” As this world turns its important to understand our idea and vision of security. With all of the action in Ferguson I think its important that we discuss what this means for police and their ability to be effective in the future. More…
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August 22, 2014 0