Tag: scare


PROTECTING YOURSELF FROM EBOLA Doug Carlston “The Surreal News” There’s a lot of hype and fear here on the Internet regarding the Ebola outbreak, and you may be concerned about your safety, and that of your loved ones. I know I certainly have been, because my Wife has a suppressed immune system. I’ve done some…
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October 8, 2014 1

Who are the zombies? Where are the zombies? Are we the zombies and don’t know it?

Halloween is just around the corner (cue scary music).  Everyone loves a little scare from time to time.  Ghosts, ghouls, creepy crawlies, things that go bump in the night and let’s not forget zombies!  Thursday night on the Homestead Honey Hour, join Noreen when her topic will be The Zombie Phenomenon!  Zombies, zombies everywhere and…
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October 18, 2012 0