Tag: salves

Poultices and Salves

Poultices and Salves Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Audio in player below! Herbal poultices and salves are essential elements in your herbal first aid kit. In this episode, I will walk you through how to make both poultices and salves. Poultices and salves are both topical applications and ideal for all sorts of injuries. Sprains,…
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February 20, 2017 0

Seven Essential Herbal Skills Part 2

Seven Essential Herbal Skills Part 2 Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Audio in player below! We’re picking up where we left off last week, and covering tinctures, infused oils, salves, and poultices. Here’s the description from last week’s live show. It’s back to basics, Herbal Prepper style! This week and next week, I’m covering essential…
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January 23, 2017 0

Handmade Herbal Gifts: Part Two

Handmade Herbal Gifts: Part Two Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Audio in player below! This week, we are continuing with part two of the 3-part handmade Herbal Gifts series that begun last week. (See last week’s description below.) Tonight I’m sharing ideas for salves, lotions, aftershave, beard oil, bath salts, and magnesium oil. From last…
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December 12, 2016 0

Your Herbal and Prepping Questions Answered Live

Your Herbal and Prepping Questions Answered Live Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Listen to this show below! It’s time for another, “Ask Cat” episode on Herbal Prepper Live! I’m taking your questions live on air this Sunday (9/25/16). Call in with all of your herbal, sustainable health, and prepping questions, or type your

September 24, 2016 0

Herbal First Aid Kit- Part Three

Herbal First Aid Kit- Part Three Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Tonight wraps up this series on herbal first aid kits. Here, the focus will be on topical applications, such as salves, powders, and washes. The types of injuries these help tend to be cuts and lacerations, skin infections, wound care, and eye care. Plus,…
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August 9, 2015 0

Healing, Herbs, & Art

Healing, Herbs, & Art Karen Lynn “Lil Suburban Homestead” This week Karen Lynn interviews Diane Coe, blog owner of Peaceful Acres Farm, Author of “The Secrets Behind The Healing – Herbal Salves From Peaceful Acres Farm and an accomplished artist. Over time in blogging circles Diane and Karen Lynn have become fast friends and fast…
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July 16, 2015 0

Making Herbal Medicines!

How to Make Herbal Medicines! Host: Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” If you suddenly had no access to a pharmacy, or if pharmacy shelves were to lay bare with no hope for resupply, what would you do for medicine when you or your family is sick? Knowing how to make herbal medicines will be an…
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April 19, 2015 2

KISS First Aid- Basic first aid kit pt 2

KISS First Aid- Adding on to the basic first aid kit Host: Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” In the previous episode of Herbal Prepper Live, we looked at how to build an herbal first aid kit that would address a wide range of issues, the the least amount of items. This kit employed the KISS…
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August 31, 2014 0

Herbal Medicine – How to use it effectively!

Herbal Medicine – How to use it effectively! Host: Sam Coffman “The Human Path” This week on The Human Path Show Sam Coffman will discuss some of the most important basic concepts that you must learn in order to use herbal medicine effectively. Herbal medicine is not the same as pharmaceutical medicine, and there are…
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April 8, 2014 0