Tag: safe

How to Make It Back Safe from the Woods

How to Make It Back Safe from the Woods Hiking is lots of fun, but most people spend very little time thinking about the things that can go wrong. We’re so used to being safe in our day-to-day lives that we cannot conceive anything bad happening to us. The fact that most us of have…
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April 22, 2018 1

Bottled Water-Is It Really Safe for Your Family?

Bottled Water-Is It Really Safe for Your Family? Water is everywhere, right? It’s a natural resource. As a smart prepper you know that water is one of those basic necessities you need to have stockpiled when SHTF. The most convenient way to stockpile water for a lot of preppers, especially those who urban dwellers, planning…
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March 26, 2016 0

Situation Awareness

Situation Awareness James Walton “I Am Liberty” Bloodshed, shootings, cuttings, hackings, its just another day in America. Movie theaters, schools, malls and other public places are becoming shooting ranges. Its a frightening truth that today in America you better know about the people around you and the settings. You also better understand that at any…
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August 7, 2015 0

Canning His Garden,The Canadian Prepper!

It’s harvest time folks, and for a lot of us that means canning season has begun. I’ve done plenty of blog posts about water bath canning high acid foods, so I figured it was about time to take a look at pressure canning. Pressure canning is great for putting up all the produce that is…
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September 7, 2013 0

What that expiration date on your groceries REALLY means

This show re-scheduled from last week due to technical issues will air LIVE tonight Thursday 4/25 Many of us have food storage.  As people living a prepared lifestyle we take it upon ourselves to make sure we have what we need for any situation.  Food storage is the first thing many “preppers” try and achieve…
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April 25, 2013 0

Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy interview a great friend and preparedness expert Donna Miller.

Tonight on the Doom and Bloom Hour, Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy welcome a great friend and preparedness expert Donna Miller. Nurse Amy interviews Donna while she shares her journey into preparedness from a city upbringing into the world of self-sufficiency. Donna shares the skills needed to become a true patriot by relying on hard…
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March 24, 2013 0