Tag: retirement

What About Prepper Retirement?

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March 21, 2022 0

Forward thinker therefore prepper!

Forward thinker therefore prepper! Host: James Walton “I Am Liberty” Audio player below! I am a prepper therefore I am a forward thinker. I am a forward thinker therefore I am a prepper. Its a one hand washes the other situation. While I am a young man I still appreciate that this ride has an…
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February 16, 2018 0

The Survival Entrepreneur!

The Survival Entrepreneur! Jamea Walton “I Am Liberty” Audio in player below! There are lots of people out there making varying degrees of money from the survival niche. Whether its owning a blog, writing a book or even some level of training or consulting there is money to be made. There are even people making…
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May 11, 2017 0

Preparing for life in America!

Tonight on I Am Liberty we are going to explore an idea or theory that has been rolling around in my head. Preparing for life in America. I know, it sounds like some sort of student exchange literature but I really think it is an important point to discuss. We all have these scenarios in…
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July 19, 2013 0