Tag: recommendations

Communications Five-Phase Program!

Communications Five-Phase Implementation Program David A. Vine “All Hazards Communications Preparedness” Audio player below! This show presents an implementation program to achieve a high level of communications preparedness. I am basing a Five-Phase Implementation Program on a lifetime of extremely varied experiences– all of it related to communications in one form or another. This is implementation program…
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October 10, 2018 0

Best Guns for Preppers and Survivalist!

Best Guns for Preppers and Survivalist… Forrest & Kyle “The Prepping Academy” Audio in player below! Join Kyle and Forrest as they talk guns for defense. As American diplomacy, politics, and society falls apart anyone with a sane mind should be considering owning a gun and preparing for a WROL (with rule of law) America.…
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February 25, 2017 0

Ultimate BOB

How to build YOUR Ultimate Bug out Bag aka “The BOB ” DJ Cooper “Surviving Dystopia” Most of us are aware of what the BOB or Bug out Bag is and some of us are aware of what we need to put into this bag but most of us follow any one or combination of lists…
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February 4, 2016 0