Tag: recipe

The Simple Life

The Simple Life Thoughts and recipe contributed by Dakota The stove crackles, the coffee pot gurgles. The herd of deer have been fed, the wild barn cats as well. Quiet time in the cabin, nestled in a grove of majestic cedars and snow frosted hills……Its chilly this morning. I sigh with gratitude and contentment for…
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November 26, 2017 1

Making Soap!

Self-Reliance Skill: Making Soap Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” If you want to stay healthy post-disaster, then you need to learn how to make soap. Soap making is both an essential skill, and an easy craft to learn. Some people, however, are nervous to try making soap at home because it involves lye. Lye is…
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July 25, 2016 0

Dry and Moist Cooking Methods!

Dry and Moist Cooking Methods James Walton “I Am Liberty” This weeks episode will be an intro to what will be a series on cooking methods. I am thinking we will need almost 8 weeks to cover both the dry and moist methods to cook. These methods were the base of my training as a…
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May 7, 2016 0

The Honeys and a potpourri of prepping!

You can’t tell me it wasn’t a good time. While a few of the topics were serious such as GMO and there effects. Having all four of the Honeys on air brought quite a few laughs as well. There was a few recipe questions fielded but also a little garden, talk on new Youtubes to…
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May 3, 2012 0