Tag: radios

Amateur Night at the Dipole. Pt 2. Safety Dance

Amateur Night at the Dipole. Part 2. Safety Dance Micheal Kline “Reality Check” Audio player below! In this show we will be picking where we left off last week. Last week we covered a hard truth that you do not need a ham radio license to use a radio and having a license does not…
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December 16, 2017 0

Emergency Communications

Emergency Communications Ray Becker “Renaissance Man” Audio player provided! Way back when our prepping community was developing on YouTube, I had identified an important subject; Communications. In a grid down scenario or some other emergency, being able to communicate or at least listen, would be vital for information, Intel and would be a huge psychological…
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June 10, 2017 0

Force Multiplier!

Force Multiplier Forrest & Kyle “The Prepping Academy” Audio in player below! Force multipliers. If you’re not familiar with what these are this is a good show to listen in on. The essence of a force multiplier is any tool or tactic that gives you the upper hand. It’s a very broad term and can…
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February 4, 2017 0

Battery Power Preps

Battery Power Preps Highlander “Tech Preps” The advent of battery power years ago let us take our devices portable, and the technology is getting better and better, and for a prepper batteries are essential. We have to find what works for us in our current preps, such as flash lights, there are many flash light…
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September 21, 2015 0

Ham radio, what you need to know!

Ham radio, what you need to know! Host: Denob “The Prepared Canadian” Ham radio can be an indispensable resource during an event. Not only will it allow you to keep in touch with other members of your support group, but if enough preppers would take it seriously, a whole network could be set up from…
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August 23, 2014 2

Devices for Survival!

Devices for Survival! Host: Denob “The Prepared Canadian” A growing number of preparedness items that the typical prepper has in their kits are run by batteries. From Iphones to AM/FM radios to ham HT’s and flashlights, these low power devices need juice. There are several ways to keep them charged, either with their built in…
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March 1, 2014 0