Tag: radio frequency

Contrails, Chemtrails, Communications, and Controversy!

Contrails, Chemtrails, Communications and Controversy! David A. Vine “All Hazards Communications Preparedness” Audio player below! “Under an Ionized Sky” is the title of Elana Freeland’s 2018 book, recently discovered by All Hazards Communications Preparedness show host David A. Vine. He shares some of the book’s startlingly relevant (related to emergency disaster communications preparedness) information with…
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November 14, 2018 0

RF Noise, is it Harmful?

RF Noise, is it Harmful? Highlander “Tech Preps” There have been a lot of discussions about smart meters, cell phones, wifi routers, radio transmissions etc etc… We often find ourselves seeing the media and other blogs and reports demonizing radio waves as the evil unseen force that will destroy our bodies. There have been many…
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August 24, 2015 0