Tag: protection

Practical Protection from Radiation!

Practical Protection from Radiation! David Jones “Prepping Up with the Jones “Audio player provided! You really do not what to miss this show in player below! Dave has the Director of Business Development for Stemrad, Robert Busseau on Prepping Up with the Jones’. Robert tells us about a practical protection device for Gama Radiation, the Stemrad…
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November 26, 2017 0

Preppers Implementing Drones

Preppers Implementing Drones James Walton “I Am Liberty” Audio in player below! Do you remember the intrusive feeling when you first heard about these little spy drones? We didn’t have access yet so it seemed unfair and ugly. I remember stories out of the county where people were shooting these little drones down like skeets with…
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May 18, 2017 0

Body armor life saving tactical gear!

Body armor life saving tactical gear! Forrest & Kyle “The Prepping Academy” Audio in player below! Hey guys and gals, on this episode of “The Prepping Academy” we’re covering fun life saving tactical gear. That’s right, we are talking body armor. We have a special guest expert on this topic joining us in this show. It’s going…
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February 18, 2017 0

The Threats We Face!

The Threats We Face! Host: James Walton “I Am Liberty” Audio in player below! The threats that face the average American family are many. They are part of a list that seems to be ever growing. Outside of the very real social and environmental risks there are true physical threats to our family. These threats…
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February 16, 2017 0

Opsec, Is it Important?

Opsec, Is it Important? Highlander “Survival & Tech Preps” In this episode I will talk about Opsec (operational security) and if it is important. The need for this in my opinion is extremely important to preppers, and everyone else in today’s world. Today’s world is not the good place it once was, full of people who will…
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May 10, 2016 0

Stagnant? 5 ways to ramp up your preparedness

Preparedness 5 ways to ramp it up! James Walton “I Am Liberty” There is something in the wind. It’s also in bodies of text across the internet and out the mouths of the media. Puzzle pieces that aren’t quite put together just yet but are close. To me it’s more evident than ever before that…
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May 29, 2015 0

The interview with Infidel Body Armor and the give-a-way!

Chad of Infidel Body Armor visits with Dave of  The Gun Show to talk about the amazing products that he provides. A sponsor of American Preppers Radio Chad provided Dave with some of this body armor to put through the test (see video) and put it through the test he did. After throwing four 338…
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April 1, 2013 0

One Woman’s Story and How It Effects Our Views on Gun Control and Mental Illness

We are all concerned about being prepared for whatever we may face.  We are all concerned about the safely of our homes, families and ourselves, should the situation present itself.  We want to be able to defend ourselves.  We talk about a lot of situations until we are blue in the face.  As a nation,…
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January 24, 2013 0

“Common Sense Prepping” We have that!

“Common Sense Prepping” We have that! Their is a new show in town “Common Sense Prepping” with Deb aka “PerbainPrepper” and this weeks guests will be SouthernBelle and a few of Debs’ students, who will discuss how preparation has given them a calm heart in fearful times. Deb talks about common sense things we can do right now to plan…
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September 14, 2012 0

Different Shelters In Time of Disaster!

From basic shelters such as caves and lean-to’s to your home such as a well built basement to the standard tornado shelter that is nothing more than a cylinder with an opening buried in the backyard we will discuss all types of shelters that have been used by man to protect themselves for thousands of…
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July 13, 2012 0

In Time of Disaster! Survival and Hunting weapons

In this episode of “In Time of Disaster” Karen visits with special guest, Kurt Wilson, the Armchair Survivalist for a great discussion on Firearms and Security in a post disaster world. From target and small caliber rifles to high power hunting, combat rifles and side arms. Both Karen and Kurt are experts in the field…
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June 2, 2012 0