Defending Your Home!

Defending Your Home. Part 1. Micheal Kline “Reality Check” Audio player below! A famous line from a movie once quoted, “This is my house. I have to defend it.” Well folks, it’s time we circle the wagons and develop a battle plan for defending our home. We will learn how to play a disaster like…
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October 21, 2017 0

Protecting your preps!

What to think about when protecting your preps. D.J. Cooper “Surviving Dystopia” You’ve spent time and energy figuring out what to store and how.  You’ve learned proper storage techniques and spent a significant amount on those cans of tuna and other items you have stored away.  The next thing you know you return from your…
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December 24, 2015 0

Your kit & long term survival!

Your kit & long term survival! Josh “The 7 P’s of Survival” So you have a BOB, does it help you become self reliant? BOB, Inch Bags, 72 hour kits, EDC Bag, Survival Kit, TEOTWAWKI kit….. Whatever you call the selection of gear you carry as you embark on your adventure into the woods my…
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December 23, 2015 0


PROTECTING YOURSELF FROM EBOLA Doug Carlston “The Surreal News” There’s a lot of hype and fear here on the Internet regarding the Ebola outbreak, and you may be concerned about your safety, and that of your loved ones. I know I certainly have been, because my Wife has a suppressed immune system. I’ve done some…
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October 8, 2014 1