Tag: protect

The Faraday Cage!

The Faraday Cage on The Surreal News Host Doug Carlston “The Surreal News” Is an EMP coming?  What if an EMP, or solar storm happened?  Would your electronic equipment be safe?  These events can destroy electronic equipment, or even wipe out the electrical grid for an extended time.  Preppers have long known that the only…
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September 24, 2014 0

GMO’s the wolf in sheep’s clothing deluge our cupboards and lives.

Have we been unknowing guinea pigs for the past 18 or so years while our Government touts GMO’s as the answer? Are we in fact feeding ourselves Franken food? Despite promises of increased yields, drought resistance, cheaper food and enhanced nutrition none have yet to be met by the current glut of GMO products to…
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February 17, 2013 2

Sargent Dale once again as guest to continue the talk about community building and weapons information!

Join Deb on this episode of “Common Sense Prepping” as she has Sargent Dale again as her guest to continue the talk about community building and weapons information.  Many new Preppers ask what exactly they need to have to protect them-selves in an emergency.  As each person is different, call in and get individual counsel…
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December 7, 2012 0

Humanity “In Time of Disaster”

This Friday on “In Time of Disaster” we will discuss humanity, or the lack thereof in the aftermath of a major disaster and how it will not only affect your family but all of humanity as society begins to fall into the depths of despair and manufactured hate as a lack of everything brings out…
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August 31, 2012 0