Tag: propane

Keeping Warm with Winter Preps!

Keeping Warm with Winter Preps! Highlander “Survival & Tech Preps” Audio in player below! BRRRRR! Getting cold out there! What are you doing to keep warm in the beginning months of winter? Well fall is almost over and winter is right upon us. In this episode I will be talking all about how to keep warm.…
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December 6, 2016 0

Off-grid cooking!

Come join BexarPrepper on Preparing For Life’s Storms Tuesday March 5th at 8pm central time for Off-grid cooking. Last week we heard about HWhit’s off-grid home so now let’s get prepared to cook some food in it. You have lots of food storage and you’re learning how to cook with it but did you really think…
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March 5, 2013 0