Tag: procedures

Preppers Medical Equipment

Preppers Medical Equipment Highlander “Survival & Tech Preps “ Audio in player below! Well I’m back! I know it has been a while since I did a show because of a major medical problem. I talk about this incident during this episode of Survival & Tech Preps in player below. This show will be appropriate, in…
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March 7, 2017 0

Canning, Increasing Self Sufficiency

Canning A Viable Means Of Increasing Self Sufficiency Josh “The 7P’s of Survival” Tonight we are going to talk about food preservation, canning in particular. I’ve never been big on canning but my grandmother canned a great deal and I have been thinking about getting into more gardening and canning as of late. It seems…
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August 11, 2015 0

Foraging For Life!

Introduction to Foraging for Life. This first airing of “Foraging for Life” will cover how to identify what region you live in and what types of foraging is available. Where to find identification materials that are suited to your lifestyle and why that is important. Learning the seasons of different edibles and looking for places…
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November 9, 2012 0