Tag: preserving

Wild edibles, uses for herbs and what time of year to begin looking!

This upcoming “Foraging For Life” show is going to cover some more selected wild edibles and uses for herbs. We’ll be going into detail about what time of year to begin looking for them, their varied uses, as well as preserving them.We will also discuss ways you can move nature into your yard to create…
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December 14, 2012 0

Gardening and Food Preservation Strategies for Hard times!

For much of the country, it’s the END of gardening and canning season. And many of us are ready for a break from the endless gardening, (watering!) harvesting, and preserving we’ve been doing these last few months. But it’s never too early to start thinking about, and planning next year’s harvest. I have a few…
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October 25, 2012 0

Smarter Storage for preppers!

One of Katzcradul’s subscribers wrote this week to say, that learning that she could make brown sugar by combining regular granulated sugar with a bit of molasses,  completely changed the way she thought about food storage.  She commented that she now understands that if she thinks smarter, she doesn’t have to store as many different…
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June 6, 2012 1

BexarPrepper and MistyShooter223 another Homestead Honey home run!

BexarPrepper hosted The Homestead Honey Hour with her guest MistyShooter223. MistyShooter shared what she has learned living the homesteading life, that most of us are trying to achieve. She’s a wife of 16 years, mother of four and a heck of a person. Her personal philosophy is that she has never met a person who…
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May 10, 2012 0

Michigan SnowPony, homesteader extraordinaire on American Preppers Radio!

Youtuber MichiganSnowPony is homesteader extraordinaire. Her name is Renee and if the topic is farm animals, she has raised them. If it’s in the kitchen, dehydrating, canning, preserving or preparing, she’s been there and done that. With thousands of fans on YouTube she has been hit with about any question you might imagine and if…
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March 28, 2012 2

The Homestead Honey Hour Premier!

Noreen, BexarPrepper, Katzcradul and TheMrsVolfie with a stellar program to explain how the program came about, and the direction it will take.  The remainder of the program will be an ‘open-line’ question and answer session.  If there is a family member or friend that you’ve been trying to urge into self-reliance or prepping, this is…
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March 15, 2012 1