Tag: preserved

Canning His Garden,The Canadian Prepper!

It’s harvest time folks, and for a lot of us that means canning season has begun. I’ve done plenty of blog posts about water bath canning high acid foods, so I figured it was about time to take a look at pressure canning. Pressure canning is great for putting up all the produce that is…
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September 7, 2013 0

We are prepared and no one goes hungry on the mountain!

I was asked if I would write an article on “Prepping and Self-Reliance in Northern Idaho”. I laughed and replied, “But I can’t write!” However, truth be told, writing is one of my many passions. Mushroom hunting is another. I love being out in the great outdoors…exploring, treasure hunting, taking in the fresh air and…
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December 20, 2012 1