Tag: Prepping Survival

Patriot Power Hour (Episode 105) w/ Dave Jones the NBC Guy

Listen to “Patriot Power Hour (Episode 105) – Feat. Dave Jones the NBC Guy!” on Spreaker. 0 (2s): What do you want statement of purpose? Should I email you sort of put this on your action item list? You decide your level of involvement. We all the prepper broadcasting network, 1 (59s): You are now…
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July 22, 2020 0

Surviving Life on the Otherside of COVID-19

This is our last great warning. We will never have an opportunity like this. This is an opportunity for change but its for change at our own pace. We can decide we want the change and we can take our time with it. We can really make it fit. Never again will the world be…
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May 19, 2020 1

Building a Fugitive Kit

In this week’s episode we will be discussing how to drop off the grid.  Meaning how to disappear if you were ever to become a fugitive.  Hypothetically speaking, if a major event happens and we as prepper have to fade into black and become the grey man how would we do it.  This week’s episode…
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December 17, 2018 0