Tag: Preppers

Well Regulated Militia!

Well regulated militia! Host: Dave Womack “The Gun Show” The modern militia movement has been under fire by the media lately, but what the media tends to miss are the following to points: 1) A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and…
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October 27, 2013 0

Myths and Preppers!

Myths and Preppers Host: James “I Am Liberty” We are all learning. Every day we are reading and learning. How to’s and What if’s. The thing is now more than ever there are many keyboard survivalists and article writers who are looking to get traffic with outlandish articles that could hurt you more than help you.…
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October 25, 2013 0

Lights Out Saga

Lights Out Saga Host: Tara & Common Sense Prepping Tonight Tara & Common Sense Prepping radio show (the first episode of the new preparedness radio show) will feature Lights Out Saga executive producer Travis Fox. The independent movie series is based upon the popular book by author David Crawford. The pair of life-long preppers opted to…
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October 7, 2013 1

Cache Your Stash

Cache You Stash Host: The Prepared Canadian As preppers, we all know the importance of keeping essential supplies on hand. Everything from food and water to fuel and toilet paper is bought, preserved, and carefully tucked away waiting for that event that denies us the ability to easily buy what we need on a day…
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October 5, 2013 0

They Were Preppers on a Magic Journey!

They Were Preppers on A Magic Journey! Have you ever wondered how your world might change if all the trappings of our modern existence were suddenly stripped from our grasp? Traveling without our four wheeled cocoons, no more to enjoy the coolness of air conditioning gently coming from the vents. What if your world were suddenly…
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October 2, 2013 0

Life Changes! Be Ready!

Life changes! We all know the only thing that is constant is change. Are you ready for the changes that could come your way? Flood, fire, drought, hurricane, tornado, extreme cold, terrorist event, economic issues and more occur constantly, a fact proven over and over. Now is the time to prepare for the unexpected events…
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September 19, 2013 0

Integrity creating an Indelible Homestead!

Homesteading in essence is built on self-reliance creating and building our stead into a home.  There are many who classify themselves as Homesteaders, Preppers,  Survivalist and even Thrivalist (which I like to call myself) but today let’s not  get hung up on debating the definition that each perceives as true for the title, after all…
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September 2, 2013 0

Survivalists, Preppers and the others, Whats the difference?

About a year ago I wrote a post for the Canadian Preppers Network blog called Two Solitudes. The article was about a division I saw developing between those who consider themselves Preppers and those that consider themselves survivalists. Now, this divide seems to be growing. What’s worse is that there is a whole new category…
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August 24, 2013 0

Sustainable, Practical Medicine before and after the Sh*t Hits the Fan

Most preppers spend some time thinking about medicine after a social collapse, and stocking up on pharmaceutical supplies, as they should. Food, water and medicine are the first three resources that are fought over after every disaster, large or small. However, pharmaceutical supplies are limited and also require a certain type of training and experience…
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August 21, 2013 0

Why preppers are not a cult!

I had a tough time deciding on a topic for this week’s broadcast of The Prepared Canadin.  I could have talked about food storage or water purification again, looked into a top ten list of prepper related gear, or other such subjects, but I felt somewhat uninspired by these ideas.  Then I came across two…
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August 2, 2013 0

Healthy mind and body!

As preppers one of our greatest concerns is health issues. Not only do we need to prep medical supplies but we need to find a way to stock up and store the medicines we take. Wouldn’t it be great if there was a way to reverse those things that happen as we age or experience…
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July 2, 2013 1

Home emergency kit, safe storage, and more!

It’s back to basics time again on The Prepared Canadian! From time to time, a surge of new Preppers in the forum prompts me to get back to the basics of prepping. Now is another one of those times. This week, we will take a look at putting together a very basic home emergency kit.…
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June 15, 2013 1

The Mid-West Self Reliance Expo! on GaltStrike!

Tom, founder of the American Preppers Network and Catman talk with Scott Valencia and Robert from Des Moines Preppers about the Mid-West Self Reliance expo. Learn what’s new and what’s coming for preppers and survivalists alike. The latest news and updates regarding the American Preppers Network will be discussed. Time allowing Tom & Catman of …
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June 13, 2013 1