Tag: Preppers

Nationalism or Survivalists, Preppers, Patriots

Nationalism or Survivalists, Preppers, Patriots Host: James Walton “I Am Liberty” We are looking down the barrel of another loaded gun. Unfortunately its one that will target the very people that hold this nation closest to its heart. If you have loved America and its founding principles to any degree you have been targeted for…
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July 18, 2014 0

Sustainability with Survival Mom

Sustainability with Survival Mom Host: Nick & Don “We Grow Ours” This week on the We Grow Ours show, Nick and have Lisa Bedford “The Survival Mom” on the show sharing with us not only how she got started, but some great advice on prepping and how YOU can get started. Lisa is one of…
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July 7, 2014 0

Going It Alone Won’t Work!

Going It Alone Won’t Work! Host: Jack Spirko “The Survival Podcast” Many preppers seem to think telling anyone, anything about your views on preparedness is a huge mistake. They point out it might make you a target of everyone who isn’t prepared when doomsday comes. Others seem to embody the very reasons others are so…
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June 28, 2014 0

This Preppers Dinner

This Preppers Dinner I use to be an interior design consultant. I use to make lots of money, a whole lot of money. I’ve eaten dinner at some of the best restaurants around and I’ve bought drinks for those I did not know.  Now I’m a Prepper. I want to share with you my plans…
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June 13, 2014 0

Community Preppers!

Community Preppers! Host: Denob “The Prepared Canadian” As preppers we all realize the importance of alternate shelter in the form of a bug out location. A safe place away from the hustle and bustle of large towns and cities where we have all the necessary supplies safely tucked away for when we need them. Some…
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April 12, 2014 0

Gourmet Preppers and Solar Physics!

Gourmet Preppers and Solar Physics! Hosts: Gary L. & Gee’sBoo ‘The Road Less Traveled’ Welcome to this week’s outing on “The Road Less Traveled with GaryL and GGsBoo. On this excursion we’ll continue focusing on some of the intricacies of Prepping from our perspectives with an emphasis on psychological preparedness being quite important to our…
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February 22, 2014 0

The Minds of Preppers, Jump Inside!

The Minds of Preppers Host: Dave Womack “The Gun Show” Are you prepared?  I mean really prepared?  Most survivalists will prep for everything from economic collapse to nuclear war.  We’re all guilty of buying this new gun, that new solar oven, or this new machine gun and that underground bunker… But what about the most important prep…
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February 10, 2014 0

Spiritual Preparedness The Hard Questions!

Spiritual Preparedness The Hard Questions! Host: Lynna “The Other Side… A Preppers Path” Spirituality and the prepper, does it really have anything to do with preparation? What’s that old saying there are two things you never discuss, politics and religion! To be honest it’s not the intent of Sunday’s Other Side of a Preppers Path…
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January 12, 2014 0


WHERE HAVE ALL THE PREPPERS GONE? Host: Katzcradul “The Homestead Honey Hour” Remember the days when you’d hear the term ‘Prepper’ as often as you heard ‘gluten Intolerance’? Remember the days when Preppers, although a bit reluctant to reveal their passion for self-reliance, would do so with a sense of enthusiasm and pride? What happened…
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January 2, 2014 1

A Cult? No, we’re just Preppers!

A Cult? No, we’re just Preppers! Host: Denob “The Prepared Canadian” Fortunately I came across two different things on the internet. Before that I was having a tough time deciding on a topic for this week’s broadcast of The Prepared Canadin.  I could have talked about food storage or water purification again, looked into a top ten list of prepper related…
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December 28, 2013 1

The Austramerican (Australian) West

The Austramerican (Australian) West on “They Were Preppers“ By John Greemway Reading By: Doug aka GoatHollow To go into the Australian West is to go into the past. Yet wherever you go, however remote in distance or in time, America and its own West intrudes. A year ago I went to the edge of the Old…
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December 18, 2013 0

Useful Idiots or Sheeple, A fine line!

Useful Idiots or Sheeple, A fine line! Host: Prepper Logic “Useful idiots”, years ago a harsh term used for people perceived as propagandists, usually in support of a person or a cause for which they did not completely understand. Many politicians in our own government know all to well what the term means and use…
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December 10, 2013 0

Preppers Winterize!

Preppers Winterize! Host: Lynna “A Preppers Path” To coin an old soap opera as the world turns so do the days of our lives. Winterization, a dirty word too many particularly at this time of year rears its head as a new page on the calendar ushers in change. The colorful calendar hanging on the…
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November 3, 2013 0