Tag: Preppers

The Women of Prepping

” I cannot get my spouse on board with my prepping!” That is a dilemma that we hear from people in prepping all the time. Not until I met Jordan Smith did I realize that this dilemma affected women just as much as it did men. I can understand the men who wanna hide guns…
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March 31, 2020 1

Preppers as Future Leaders

Everyone loves a good underdog story. It’s one of those quintessentially American tales where the hero starts out lost, mocked and failing only to hit the bottom and rise up like a phoenix. I often wonder if this has to do with immigration. Every race that came here was picked on and taken advantage of…
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October 29, 2019 0

Prepping Faster: Lifestyle, Food, Energy and Numbers

Times they are a-changing! People have a better hold of the world than ever before. There are people who once looked down on prepping because of things like religion and political affiliation that are now interested in prepping and prepping faster. Listen to “Fast Track Prepping: Lifestyle, Food, Energy and Numbers” on Spreaker. The list…
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October 17, 2019 0

U.S. Military .30cal Rifles History, Gunsmithing, & Operation Part 2

Do you want to know more about US Military 30 Cal Rifles from the past? How to fix them, get parts, what to watch out for, and the various models that were fielded and are still available?? Tune in and find out!

June 4, 2019 0

Lets Talk- Talk Time with A Family Affair

  Lets Talk- Talk Time Another show of talk time. I am enjoying this monthly open platform. where you the listeners get to decide where out discussion goes too. Join us in the chat for these once a month shows. Our discussion takes the direction of the chatters. This is my one show once of…
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March 18, 2019 0

Can Preppers Influence Culture?

Since about 2012 the word prepper has been synonymous with lots of ugly things. To be honest the influence has been primarily negative. It is our mission at PBN to try and find the avenues that put our beliefs and skills to the best use and allow us to make prepping a more digestible term.…
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January 30, 2019 0

Best Outdoor Camping Equipment for Preppers

Best Outdoor Camping Equipment for Preppers Camping is a fantastic opportunity for preppers to exercise their skills and get used to the idea of an emergency situation. So, if you want to be truly prepared pack up the right equipment (as I listed it below) and head to the woods for a night or two…
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October 9, 2018 0

How to Be Prepared for Anything

How to Be Prepared for Anything (or, What I Wish I Knew When I Started Prepping) Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Audio player below! When a person becomes a prepper, they often go through a “waking up” phase to all the potential risks one could face. It can be an overwhelming amount of information to…
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April 30, 2018 0

Prepping up on the road!

Prepping up on the road! David Jones “Prepping Up with the Jones “Audio player provided! This week Dave travels to Chicago for the great folks at Emergent Bio-solutions maker of RSDL. Talking one on one with Preppers at the RK Prepper show he will ask them the questions you want to know the answers to…
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March 18, 2018 0

A.I. Maybe Not What We Hoped For?

A.I. Maybe Not What We Hoped For? Lynna… “A Preppers Path” Audio player provided below! A.I. now for those of us on the homestead the term A.I. refers to artificial insemination, you know when breeding animals without the male (daddy) actually on location, but with times changing and technology growing by leaps and bounds it…
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March 14, 2018 0

Prepping up in the UK

Prepping up in the UK David Jones “Prepping Up with the Jones “Audio player provided! If you have ever wondered if the Prepper movement is just a US thing wonder no more! This week’s show offers a different prospective on Prepping because Dave will have as his special guest Tom Lindon from the UK. Tom…
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January 7, 2018 1

Engineer775 and Practical Preppers

Engineer775 and Practical Preppers Forrest Garvin “The Prepping Academy” Audio player below! Scott Hunt is a sustainable living design engineer. He specializes in off-grid water and energy systems. His expertise in mechanical engineering combined with good old-fashioned know-how gleaned from experience “on the farm and in the woods” has enabled him to draw closer to…
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November 28, 2017 0

No, Preppers are Not Weird

No, Preppers are Not Weird Let me take a wild guess: at some point you read or heard about the prepping movement, saw some ridiculous opinions of it, came to the conclusion that preppers are weird… and left it at that; you didn’t bother to dig further.

August 11, 2017 2