Tag: Preppers

JJ Johnson of Reality Survival!

It’s that time of year and hunting season is once again upon us. Hunters will be heading out in droves to bag their game. BUT what should they take along and what should ALL hunters do before heading into the wilds? Find out some great tips, ideas and more tonight with JJ Johnson of Reality…
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October 27, 2011 0

Guns! Not meant for everyone!

Gun classes and getting the proper permits is always a good idea. As Preppers and American citizens we also have the right to bear arms. Should this include everyone? As you will see in this ad from Keller’s Riverside store, there are opinions that guns are not meant for everyone.

October 26, 2011 1

The Preppers Diet!

What kind of food do you have stored for SHTF? What kind of food are you learning to produce on your own? What kind of food do you expect to eat months after SHTF, years? The simple answer is likely nothing like what you have in your kitchen today. Most of us have a ton…
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October 15, 2011 1

Sunday Premiere! “Prepping Now”

Sunday 10/9/2011 6:00pm/Central Prepper Broadcasting welcomes our newest show “Prepping Now” with host Lesley! Prepgirl’s first show will be about something she likes to call “Thought Product Placement” basically, the idea that “whoever is in charge” uses the media to influence people with the ideals they want them to have. An example would be that…
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October 8, 2011 0

Another Prepper Kickoff 9/30/2011

Prepper Logic Kickoff : A not to miss episode To see show description and learn more about our new hosts please visit the host tab and the show schedule tab above.

September 19, 2011 0

(((Ranters Radio)))

This week on the acclaimed (((Ranters Radio))) We will be discussing life post 9/11 and more abuse of our Constitution by our out of control Government. The Ranters Radio Show will also cover Prepping for newbies and lazy people. This is a great opportunity for

September 14, 2011 0

Lions, Preppers and Guns, Oh My

A smart video. A wise idea not to show off your preps and there is strength in numbers.

September 14, 2011 0

My Son, American Preppers Network!

There are many fathers out there that could not feel better about the job they did in raising there children. I’m sure there are a few like myself that look back and wish they would have done things a little different. I have carried some

August 27, 2011 0

Reaching the Preppers, Survivalist, Americans!

We seam to be accomplishing what we strive for here at Prepping Broadcasting, to reach out to everyone we possibly can. To inform and make aware, to make ready and to prepare is what this network is all about. Last night showed us once again that people are listening. Erin with Twisted Radio along with…
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August 26, 2011 0

Preppers reply to post “The Lazy American on Unemployment Myth”

Following is one reply from North Idaho Patriot to original post by Wyodutch on American Preppers Network. The real problem is “Under Employment”. Anyone can get a job if they look hard enough and are resourceful, and are willing to even take jobs that they wouldn’t want to do, even if it’s for dirt pay.…
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August 24, 2011 0

Whats in store for you Preppers this week!

Tonight, as always you can expect a great show from Dr. Waterman. “The 2nd Annual International Peace and Freedom Music Festival”. Two hours of great freedom, rally music with a party in the chat room. Please join us, you will be glad you did. Last night we had a great show from The Armchair Survivalist.…
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August 16, 2011 0