Tag: Preppers Poitin Hour

Joe Nobody and Apocalypse Drift on The Preppers Poitin Hour!

“The Prepper’s Poitin Hour”, join your host Chris as he celebrates his heritage of Scots-Irish rebellion and also interviews author Joe Nobody.  Joe is the author of several non-fiction books on defensive shooting and has a series of fiction books called Holding Their Own. His newest fiction book is titled Apocalypse Drift and, in a…
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March 18, 2013 0

What skills and training should you concentrate on NOW

Join Chris this Monday, July 22, as we continue the discussion of what skills and training should you concentrate on NOW that might help you financially or otherwise now and may be the difference between merely surviving or thriving in a brave new world. Also, Chris wants want to know, WHAT would YOUR literary  device…
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July 23, 2012 0

We call ourselves preppers but do you have skills!

We call ourselves preppers. We have generators, food stocks, firearms, books, you name it, but do we have SKILLS? What are some skills and trade that will benefit us when the balloon goes up? Have you ever taken an emergency medical course? Are you able to work in a wood shop? Can you weld? Sew?…
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July 17, 2012 0

Is there a future for the dollar?

What is the future of the dollar?  Will the greenback continue to be the overall dominant currency, backed by Saudi oil or is it about to collapse?  If so, what happens when the US Dollar collapses beyond what the Federal Reserve spin doctors can hide from the flock?  Listen in to this discussion on the…
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June 4, 2012 0

What does martial law mean to you?

Are you worried about the military turning upon the citizens of this nation? Have you ever seriously considered what martial is and what it means? Do you think that martial law is a clear and present danger to liberty? Listen to this episode of the Prepper Poitin Hour as Chris sits down with the poitin…
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May 14, 2012 0

Relationship between FEMA and some school boards!

Chris of The Prepper’s Poitin Hour meets Michael Snyder of the Economic Collapse Blogsite.  They discuss his penetrating article that explores the relationship between FEMA and some school boards across the nation.  How would YOU react if you learned that your children were going to be bodily evacuated from their schools without any or very…
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May 8, 2012 0

Group dynamics in an emergency!

Have you given any thought to group dynamics in an emergency? Are you prepared if life puts you with people outside of your planned group? Are you prepared to go it alone? How important are your personal convictions and ideals when the world is upside down. Would you allow somebody with different political ideologies, different…
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April 2, 2012 0