Tag: Prepper Group

Step by Step Prepper Community

For those of you who have been following the I AM Liberty Show for years, you know my stance and experience on community. It became painfully obvious that no amount of prepping would ever get us to self sufficiency and security. Without a group of people its just not plausible. So I wanted to start…
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February 23, 2020 0

Groups, Build it and they will come!

Groups, Build it and they will come! Forrest & Kyle “The Prepping Academy” Preppers live a secret life and most want to keep it that way but others would love to meet other preppers and share their prepping knowledge, ideas and experiences. You can see the value in a team of people who share the…
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September 3, 2016 0

How to Find a Prepper Group in Your Area or Online!

How to Find a Prepper Group in Your Area or Online! Prepping is similar to “Fight Club” in that the main rule about prepping is “you don’t talk about your preps”. Talking about your preps to other people in your local area, like neighbors, cashiers, or co-workers can actually come back to bite you when…
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May 8, 2016 0

Prepper Group Jury The Decision?

Prepper Group Jury: The Decision? Our group has a jury made up of three people who were voted in more than 6 months ago when thirty of us abandoned our homes and arrived at our retreat. Since the disaster that set us back 500 years these three people have settled all arguments and made the…
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November 18, 2013 3