Tag: Prepper Broadcasting Network

What you should consider and know about dehydrating, rehydrating, and canning!

There are many out there that are preserving their own foods or are just starting and are on their way to learning the ends and outs of long term food storage. There is a lot to learn along the way and like any other endeavor you enter into it takes a lot of research and…
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August 27, 2013 0

The original Prepared Canadian!

The Canadian Preppers Network has been up and running for several years now but in the beginning it was a lonely place to visit to say the least. Lack of volunteers and members to the blog and forum made for very little content and because of this, activity from users was non existent. My son,…
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December 9, 2012 0

Whats happening on the Prepper Broadcasting Network?

Times are a changing and so is the Prepper Broadcasting Network. Tune in today for updates on what is going on behind the scenes. What happened to those hosts and who are the new hosts that are joining the network. Have questions about the network and it’s vision. Call in and give us your opinions,…
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October 30, 2012 0

Bug out Bags “In Time of Disaster”!

With all the things that Preppers are told they should have and all the things that we do have and are bug out bags, how much of it a necessity and how much of it is just wasted space? In this show “In Time of Disaster” for a while we will discuss the different items…
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September 7, 2012 0

Homesteading and prepping when you have physical limitations!

This airing of The Homestead Honey Hour I would like to talk about homesteading and prepping when you have physical limitations.  Now it is no secret that I have two kinds of arthritis, Fibromyalgia and weight issues that despite gastric bypass surgery and careful eating will likely never change. I have a curve in my…
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August 9, 2012 0

Emergency water storage solutions!

Join Katzcradul on “The Homestead Honey Hour” as she welcomes David Dodgen to the show. David is the president of AquaStorage, and is the inventor of AquaPod, an emergency water storage solution.  The AquaPod is a tub liner that will hold up to 65 gallons of clean water, and it’s Made in America!  David will…
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August 1, 2012 0

Outside the box for Successful Preppers!

Outside the box! Successful Preppers always think outside the box! Join the Other Side of a Preppers Path this show accomplished beekeeper, teacher and author Christy Hemenway shares Bee Keeping outside the box! You’d love bees and honey but isn’t commercial bee keeping expensive and tough to learn? No worries let Christy help you out of the…
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August 1, 2012 0

Adeptus Paratus, Latin for “get prepared”

Join The Prepper Folks and Company on this Saturday night July 14 show with Christine  talking to a man who goes by Adeptus Paratus, which is Latin for “get prepared”. He was previously featured on NatGeo’s “Doomsday Preppers” show in episode six called “Nine Meals Away from Anarchy”. Adeptus Paratus lives in Georgia where he…
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July 14, 2012 0

Different Shelters In Time of Disaster!

From basic shelters such as caves and lean-to’s to your home such as a well built basement to the standard tornado shelter that is nothing more than a cylinder with an opening buried in the backyard we will discuss all types of shelters that have been used by man to protect themselves for thousands of…
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July 13, 2012 0

MrsVolfie and favorite home remedies on The Prepper Broadcasting Network!

MrsVolfie of The Homestead Honey Hour takes the lead and the discussion is favorite home remedies and wild herbals medicine. With calls into the show and a large number of preppers in the chat room many favorite home remedy recipes were shared! Personally I have never heard of so many different cures for different ailments that can…
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July 12, 2012 0

The Premier debut Aj’s Prep Talk!

We all have to start somewhere! When did you realize that you needed to do more? What was your first step? What advise can you give to us baby preppers trying to find our way? These are just some of the questions Aj asked our very own Goat Hollow on her very exciting debut show…
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July 2, 2012 0

Simply awesome on food preperation and canning!

If you have canned or have never canned we have something for you. The information provided below may just answer quite a few questions you may have. GoatHollow and his guest Katzcradul of Youtube fame gave us a stellar show full of information this Wednesday. With close to a hundred people in the chat room…
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February 29, 2012 1

An expert in rescue, survival and communications joins Prepper Broadcasting!

We have added a new host to our line up we would like you to meet. This preppers education and training in disaster services began at the age of 17 when hurricane Camille struck the Mississippi gulf coast on August 19, 1969, has also worked almost every natural and man-made disaster in Southeast Louisiana up…
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February 24, 2012 0