Tag: preparing

The Art of Intentional Positioning

The Art of Intentional Positioning Finding the Purpose Before the Place and Making the Move. Ryan Buford “The Next Generation” Audio player below! A heavy aspect of preparedness is where you are in life. Your stability – whether it be financial, physical, mental or otherwise – will have a significant impact on your kids and…
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July 16, 2018 1

Hurricane Irma!

Hurricane Irma Host: Bob Hawkins “The APN Report“ Audio player provided! This weeks show of course will be about Hurricane Irma, another storm that has captured attention of the media & everyone suspected to be in it’s path. No doubt any named storm is a force to deal with, but how much of the coverage…
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September 10, 2017 1

Preparing for Hurricane Irma!

Preparing for Hurricane Irma Host: Ray Becker… “The Ray Becker Show” Audio player provided! In the first segment I am going to cover the equities markets, metals, the dollar, Shanghai metal prices, BDI, VIX…All of the Indicators that we’ve been following. I believe that it is critical for us to closely monitor all activity at…
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September 6, 2017 1

Severe Weather Preparation!

Severe Weather Preparation! Bob Hawkins “The APN Report“ Audio in player below! My! How the days fly by! The official start of summer…school’s out, vacation time, hot days, warm nights, the whole “Hot time in the old town” thing. It’s also time for severe weather, as if you haven’t already read the headlines of tornadoes…
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May 26, 2017 0

Preparing For Your Personal Disaster!

Preparing for your personal disaster! Host: Austin Martin “Homesteady Live“ Audio in player below! Sometimes we find ourselves playing a game of “what if” in the world of homesteading and prepping. What if the grid went down or If there was another world war?  What if there was a pandemic?

March 22, 2017 0

Preparing for the Election Results

Preparing for the Election Results. Forrest & Kyle “The Prepping Academy” Listen in player below! This is written on the Saturday before the show; so we hope the world has not descended in to post election chaos. In the event that it has you probably won’t be listening. If the nation is rioting we hope you…
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November 12, 2016 0

Preparing Kids

Preparing Kids James Walton “I Am Liberty” Listen to this show in player below! So the immediate questions becomes how far into the abyss do you pull a child when it comes to teaching them preparedness? The other big question is: In our world today do they not have the right to be informed about what…
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October 6, 2016 0

Nature’s Calling: Preparing For The Worst

Nature’s Calling Preparing For The Worst By H.D. Imagine yourself at home in the living room, relaxing while listening to the news. During the broadcast, you hear one of the anchors say, “The state has officially issued a tornado watch and warns all residents to be prepared in case they have to evacuate.” You glance…
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October 1, 2016 0

You’re Bug-Out Vehicle Preparing and Packing!

You’re Bug-Out Vehicle Preparing and Packing Most preppers know that even if a full-fledged bug out from their home location is not called for today, there will be plenty of times in the near future when they could be stranded in their car or will be in an emergency situation while driving or within reach…
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May 27, 2016 0

Spring gardens!

Spring gardens! Brett Bauma “Makers On Acres” On the next episode of the Makers On Acres Tech, Build and Grow show we are going to be discussing preparing for our spring gardens! On the last episode I talked about indoor gardening, but now is also the time

January 31, 2016 1

Describing Dystopia…

Describing Dystopia… D.J. Cooper “Surviving Dystopia” Often times we plan for things yet we don’t know what it is we plan for…Why do we do the things we do to prepare. In 1516 Sir Thomas Moore coined the word Utopia… in his book

November 26, 2015 0

Smarter Food Storage!

Smarter Food Storage! Host: Katzcradul “The Homestead Honey Hour” Since all the Honeys of The Homestead Honey hour believe it’s important to formulate shows based on what our subscribers and listeners want, Katzcradul is devoting this upcoming show to the discussion of “Smarter Food Storage”, how to get the most: for your food storage dollar,…
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May 7, 2015 0

Another “Why” Preparing is Essential

Another “Why” Preparing is Essential Many Preppers believe that the most likely reason they will be using their stored goods will be a natural disaster.  It may happen.  But let me tell you what I believe is the most likely purpose those goods will need to be used; widespread financial crisis. The food that preppers have…
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November 15, 2014 2