Tag: Preparedness

Preppers and Patriots News Wrap Up

Preppers and Patriots News Wrap Up James Walton “I Am Liberty” Audio player below! After a great celebration of the nation’s birth I think we should take some time to talk. We will not drill down on a topic and instead take a walk through the news that affects both preppers and patriots. We have…
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July 6, 2017 0

Whats your media diet?

Whats your media diet? James Walton “I Am Liberty” Audio player below! We Drudge, we Prepper Website, we SHTFplan and we may even Future Danger from time to time. As preppers and survivalists we consume a lot of media. In fact, its one of the more addictive parts of this whole process. There are tons…
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June 29, 2017 0

Community Rules for Preppers and Survivalists!

Community Rules for Preppers and Survivalists James Walton “I Am Liberty” Audio player provided! The community is our greatest ally. It’s not our bugout bag, our network of government moles or even our high-powered arsenal. All the information in the world cannot help you if it all comes crashing down.  When you look at real…
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June 22, 2017 0

A Preppers Amenities

A Preppers Amenities James Walton “I Am Liberty” Audio player provided! I was in front of the keyboard today wondering what in the world I would ring my audience’s ears about this week. I was looking for something to prepare for. I was looking for a threat. Then I started thinking about a new piece…
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June 15, 2017 0

Psychological Preparedness and Shopping Tactics!

Psychological Preparedness and Shopping Tactics Host: Gary & GGsBoo “The Road Less Traveled” Welcome to this outing on “The Road Less Traveled.” On this excursion we’ll focus on some of the intricacies of Prepping from our perspectives with an emphasis on psychological preparedness being quite important to our overall efforts. Learning exactly who and what…
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May 17, 2017 0

Conceal Carry the SCOTTeVEST

Conceal Carry the SCOTTeVEST Highlander “Survival & Tech Preps “ Audio in player below! As per my last show the grayman and concealment, this little invention is a great way to perform those acts with ease! If you are familiar with the company SCOTTeVEST you know they make vests, jackets, hoodies, pants, and shirts that…
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April 4, 2017 0

Preparing For Your Personal Disaster!

Preparing for your personal disaster! Host: Austin Martin “Homesteady Live“ Audio in player below! Sometimes we find ourselves playing a game of “what if” in the world of homesteading and prepping. What if the grid went down or If there was another world war?  What if there was a pandemic?

March 22, 2017 0

Force Multiplier!

Force Multiplier Forrest & Kyle “The Prepping Academy” Audio in player below! Force multipliers. If you’re not familiar with what these are this is a good show to listen in on. The essence of a force multiplier is any tool or tactic that gives you the upper hand. It’s a very broad term and can…
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February 4, 2017 0

The Road Less Traveled!

The Road Less Traveled! Host: Noreen “The Homestead Honey Hour” Some of you may know the popular poem of the same name, penned by American Icon Robert Frost. It is a beautiful piece of prose that always makes me think. It really is a fine prescription for how to live your life. On this episode…
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February 3, 2017 1

Winter Survival & Preparedness!

Winter Survival & Preparedness Forrest & Kyle “The Prepping Academy” Audio in player below! On this episode of The Prepping Academy we cover something essential for this time of year. Winter survival. Every year we hear about American’s going off the roads and getting stranded. Even worse, we hear about people freezing to death in their…
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January 14, 2017 0

Preppers Resolutions, for the New Year

Preppers Resolutions, for the New Year and Beyond Bobby Akart “Prepping For Tomorrow” Audio in player below! We are going to set the tone for the New Year, and beyond on this episode of the Prepping for Tomorrow program. Bestselling author, and founder of Freedom Preppers, Bobby Akart, will share his suggested resolutions for Preppers,…
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January 6, 2017 0

Winter Survival

Winter Survival Josh “7 P’s of survival” Listen in player below! In this episode of the 7 P’s of Survival Radio Show we will be talking all things winter survival and preparedness. While we are all most likely a few weeks away from out first major winter storm now is the time to stock up. Get…
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October 19, 2016 0

The Prepper Conundrum!

The Prepper Conundrum Highlander “Survival & Tech Preps” Listen in player below! You prep, you make plans to bug in or bug out and think you have all of your ducks in a row, then the question pops up “Do I help others around me”? This question has plagued many preppers for a very long…
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October 18, 2016 0