Tag: Preparedness

Being Frugal in Preparedness!

Being Frugal in Preparedness! Ryan Buford “The Next Generation” Audio player below! Frugality was a stigma as I grew up. It was something akin to stingy, miserly, unwilling to share. The connotation of being frugal is something over the last few decades has gone so far from its origins that has become something that is…
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July 23, 2018 1

Disaster Preparedness & Who Survives an EMP?

Who Survives an EMP? James Walton “I Am Liberty ” Audio player below! Tonight we welcome author Tim Maynard on the I AM Liberty Show to discuss his book Southbound. I am sure we will also spur some great conversation on the topics of disaster and preparedness as on a whole. It should be a…
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July 19, 2018 0

Family… Power Outage Preparedness!

Family… Power Outage Preparedness! Jordan “A Family Affair” Audio player provided! In may of 2017 over 150,000 individuals in the Mid-South found themselves without power for over two weeks. In that same year 320,000 people and businesses in Boston and surrounding areas went with out power from the storm Sandy. What about the 1.2 million…
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July 8, 2018 0

Community Disaster Preparedness!

Community Disaster Preparedness James Walton “I Am Liberty ” Audio player below! For years we have been doing shows about building community and morphing communities into more powerful units to survive disaster. This show is going to be our first look at this topic in a 2 hour forum. I think we will have the…
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June 21, 2018 0

Introduction, Culmination and Cultivation!

Introduction, Culmination and Cultivation! Ryan Buford “The Next Generation” Audio player below! Cultivation. It is the young plant – the seedling. The thing that we capture in the early stages of growth. We shelter young seeds and frail starts from the harshness of the world just long enough to allow them to grow on their…
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June 18, 2018 1

Establish a position and improve upon it daily!

Establish a position and improve upon it daily! David Jones “Prepping Up with the Jones “Audio player provided! This show covers all the things Dave has by way of Perps and why he has them. He will cover every step of his plan and share the thought process he went through to get to this…
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May 13, 2018 0

PrepperCon and Training Opportunities!

PrepperCon and Training Opportunities James Walton “I Am Liberty ” Audio player below! How does a prepper get better? Some would say it happens through rigorous practice and for those who are very dedicated, maybe that’s an option. For the rest of us, we really don’t have a ton of time to devote to constantly…
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May 10, 2018 0

Preparedness and Survival, inherent trait or learned?

Preparedness and Survival, inherent trait or learned? Lynna… “A Preppers Path” Audio player provided below! For many in the prepared world it is basic knowledge or at least presumed that in order to survive we must prepare. How one goes about this preparedness issue is personal to each, some focusing on one particular path at…
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April 3, 2018 0

Cultivating MacGyver: The Solutions

Cultivating MacGyver: The Solutions Lynna… “A Preppers Path” Audio player provided below! Oh man did you see that he just pulled a MacGyver that whole thing! What? What did I just say. Yes in fact I said he MacGyver’d something or other. He created the solutions. In today’s colloquial American English lexicon when someone “MacGyvers”…
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March 7, 2018 0

Workplace Preparedness and Uncommon EDC Items!

Workplace Preparedness and Uncommon EDC Items Micheal Kline “Reality Check” Audio player below! In this show we will be talking about being prepared in the workplace. We all prepare to protect our families and I would hope that you all carry supplies and a medical kit in your vehicle. I know some of you carry…
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February 24, 2018 1

How to Create a Family Preparedness-Emergency Plan!

How to Create a Family Preparedness-Emergency Plan The US witnessed one of the worst hurricane seasons in hundreds of years, and that was on top of the countrywide flooding and storms that inflicted parts of the country into panic. These kinds of weather situations aren’t uncommon and are happening around the world at an increasing…
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February 16, 2018 13

Jim Cobb, Disaster Prep Author and Educator!

Jim Cobb, Disaster Prep Author and Educator Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Audio player below! This week on Herbal Prepper Live, we are joined by preparedness expert, Jim Cobb. Jim is a prolific preparedness author, blogger, podcaster, and educator. One of the things I appreciate most about Jim’s approach to prepping, is that he takes…
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February 12, 2018 0

The Art of Vehicle Preparedness!

The Art of Vehicle Preparedness Dane… “The Gunmetal Armory” Audio player provided! This show is on the Art of Vehicle Preparedness. This episode’s Prepper Product Pick of the Week will be awesome as usual, but we also have a super cool surprise coming up this week too. We are going to be giving away a…
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January 12, 2018 0