Tag: Preparedness

A great resource for all things prepper/survival related

Have you ever been to the Prepper Website? If not your missing one of the best resources for all things prepper/survival related. The Prepper Website has an incredible collection of preparedness articles that change on a daily basis as well as a treasure trove of links to all the more popular web sites, podcasts, and…
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May 31, 2013 0

Honey Pot on “The Homestead Honey Hour”

A lot of Honey’s in one pot and ‘Anything Goes’ It’s been a while since The Homestead Honeys have hosted a 5th Thursday, ‘Anything Goes’ show (…well almost anything), on Thursday, May 30th.   You’re invited to call in with any preparedness questions you have.  The Honeys hope to inspire you as they talk about their…
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May 30, 2013 0

Being prepared in life is an attitude, and a personal choice. It’s an approach to life.

Tonight 4/24/2013 9pm/Est.  8pm/Ct.  on GoatHollow and the Surreal News Special Guest: “Living ready” Magazine Author: Doug Carlstens You and I know that being one of those people that are now called “Doomsday Preppers”, means that most of society, and especially the main stream media, are going to portray you as being a bit well…………
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April 24, 2013 0

The Homestead Honey Hour, a year in review!

Oh my!  How could the date have gotten away from us?  Can it be true that The Homestead Honeys missed their one year anniversary?  Yes, it’s absolutely true!  The Homestead Honey Hour premiered March 15, 2012 and it’s seems impossible that a whole years has passed since then.  Join Katzcradul Thursday night, as she looks…
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April 4, 2013 2

Living the mercy of the wildfire!

According to the calendar spring has sprung but looking outside it’s still pretty dreary with last year’s bounty of grasses and bushes and overgrowth lying about in dingy disarray.  Uggghhhh not only does it look unsightly but it is a danger.  True it should have been dealt with last fall, cut, mowed or just hauled away…
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March 24, 2013 0

Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy interview a great friend and preparedness expert Donna Miller.

Tonight on the Doom and Bloom Hour, Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy welcome a great friend and preparedness expert Donna Miller. Nurse Amy interviews Donna while she shares her journey into preparedness from a city upbringing into the world of self-sufficiency. Donna shares the skills needed to become a true patriot by relying on hard…
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March 24, 2013 0

Learn how to prepare for the future with skills of the past with Ozark Mountains Preparedness!

A very special Sunday heads your way on Jan 20th 2013 as The Other Side of a Preppers Path spans the country from the Selkirk & Cabinet Mountains of Idaho to the Ozark Mountains of Arkansas.  Learn first-hand how to prepare for the future with skills of the past with Jerry Ward of Ozark Mountains Preparedness. Jerry…
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January 20, 2013 0

The Blaze and an Interview with one of our own Preppers!

Published today on “The Blaze”, an interview with one of our own from American Preppers Network. Because of my involvement with American Preppers Network as well as American Preppers Radio being an integral part of American Preppers Network you can bet your last dollar I was worried, and concerned on how this interview would be…
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December 19, 2012 0

Do you have what it takes to survive an evacuation at a moment’s notice?

Do you have what it takes to survive an evacuation at a moment’s notice?  What would you be left with if your home were destroyed by fire or a tornado?   There can be any number of disasters that can force you to leave your home without the time to think.  What if you needed to…
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December 15, 2012 0

Hurricane Sandy and the fiasco!

Karen with ” In Time of Disaster” and the Hurricane Sandy and fiasco! After the 35+ years in disaster and emergency services I’ve come to the conclusion that Ugly is only skin deep, whereas stupid runs all the way to the bone. After watching the fiasco that is the aftermath of hurricane Sandy and watching…
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November 7, 2012 0

FullSpectrumSurvival! Are you prepared to survive any situation?

Are you prepared to survive any situation? I’m not, so how do we get to that point in our comfort level of preparedness? Join “FullSpectrumSurvival” November 6th at 8pm central time with BexarPrepper  the host of  “Preparing for Life’s Storms” as we learn how to evaluate our environment and prepare our own scenario’s to greatly…
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November 6, 2012 0

A talk about high security, self- sufficient residences and retreats

Let’s take a look at home security. Is your home secure? Furthermore is your home location conducive to your safety regarding economical, biological or political threat? Are you living in a locale that aids you or places roadblocks in your quest for preparedness and safety? These are questions we often neglect to ask during times…
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October 14, 2012 0

A look at high security, self- sufficient residences and retreats!

Because of technical difficulties this episode had to be cancelled. We will try and reschedule this guest speaker at a later date. We are very sorry for ant inconvenience. Let’s take a look at home security on “The Other Side…A Preppers Path“. Is your home secure? Furthermore is your home location conducive to your safety…
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September 27, 2012 0