Tag: prepared

Re-Inventing the Wheel? – The Have More Plan

Re-Inventing the Wheel? – The Have More Plan Host: Lynna “A Preppers Path” Re-Inventing the Wheel? – A review of The Have More Plan No need to re-invent the wheel, since time began man has endeavored to advance and prepare for life. Preppers, homesteaders, survivalists or whatever label you choose all have much in common.…
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November 30, 2013 0

Making The Holes Whole!

Making The Holes Whole! As folks who try to live a self sufficient lifestyle it is important to us to try very hard to make sure that we have everything necessary to carry out our every day tasks and have a comfortable life, no matter what obstacles the world may throw in our way. A couple…
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September 26, 2013 0

Were you prepared for wildfires and drought across the U.S.?

Is the end in site for the wildfires in Yosemite? Over 5,000 firefighters at Yosemite National Park are using all the means at their disposal and estimate 33% containment but drought is making progress difficult. The 163rd Wing of the California National Guard at March Air Reserve Base in Riverside is hoping to have access…
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September 1, 2013 0

What you perceive as reality may merely be an illusion.

Remember when you believed notions like, my government has my best interest at heart, the food in my grocery store is safe to eat, what’s reported on network news is the truth, my nest-egg is secure in the bank,  the medical/pharmacological industries care about my health, or that it really mattered if you were a…
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August 22, 2013 2

Being prepared when the stuff hits the fan!

When the stuff hits the fan, either for the not so long term or when the end is not in sight, all the goods we have stored will eventually run out. For many, this time will come much sooner than for others who have made at least some preparations. A lot of things can simply…
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August 10, 2013 0

Self-Reliance in the concrete jungle!

Living in the urban locale and the realities of being prepared are Sunday’s hot topics. How can we get there? Urban localities have their own challenges with limited land, storage space, people everywhere and plain old time. How do we prepare for calamity large or small, man-made or by Mother Nature. Living in the city does…
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June 22, 2013 0

Hurricane season is on the horizon! Are you prepared?

For The Prepared Canadian hurricane season is on the horizon!  Every year, Canada experiences the effects of several storms that many of us consider hurricanes.  In fact, there are many terms used to describe these storms such as tropical cyclones, tropical storms, and extra tropical storms.  This week, we will take a look at these…
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May 25, 2013 0

Being prepared, living without systems of support!

“The Prepared Canadian” Living without systems of support! Most of the time we think of prepping as an endless loop of trips to various stores to stock up on supplies. Although this is an important part of being prepared, it really isn’t what we call “the prepper lifestyle”. Being prepared can be boiled down very simply…
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May 18, 2013 0

Being prepared in life is an attitude, and a personal choice. It’s an approach to life.

Tonight 4/24/2013 9pm/Est.  8pm/Ct.  on GoatHollow and the Surreal News Special Guest: “Living ready” Magazine Author: Doug Carlstens You and I know that being one of those people that are now called “Doomsday Preppers”, means that most of society, and especially the main stream media, are going to portray you as being a bit well…………
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April 24, 2013 0

Boston Marathon, Complacency, and then the Bombs, are you prepared yet?

What happened today at the finish of the Boston Marathon while horrific I found was not really much of a surprise. What does surprise me is that something like this has not happened sooner. While the vast majority of Americans have become complacent with their trust in government to thwart another attack such as this…
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April 15, 2013 4

Are you prepared? Not just for the basics but…

Are you prepared? Not just for the basics of food storage, water, shelter, cooking and what have you but a truly catastrophic event.  The loss of someone, a significant other, OR you get sick and are out of commission, who takes up the slack?  What is the slack, can your life go on if you…
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March 3, 2013 0

Preps for almost any situation and concentrating on the certain needs of women!

A Prepper is a name for people who always plan for the unexpected.  Tonight we will discuss ways to stay calm, clean, and prepared in a SHTF situation.  Join Deb on “Common Sense Prepping” this week as she talks about what Preps are needed for almost any situation and others things that good people are…
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December 28, 2012 0

Prepper Pride shines through in Triumph! Everyday people on to something big, really big, Monumental Even!

It’s a Miracle!  It’s a Miracle! Quietly and without fanfare last Friday slipped away and the world rocked on.  Not such a miracle really but a testament to the lives we live and the incredible planet we inhabit.  While the following things are true; #1 the end of the year is drawing near; #2 we…
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December 26, 2012 0