Tag: prepare

Herbalist Susun Weed returns to The Other Side of a Preppers Path!

As we prepare we often think of the scenario where the end of the world as we know it is the norm, meaning that all we take for granted now is no more. But preparing for life isn’t just about the future catastrophe it’s about right now, today right this minute.  Finances are an issue…
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February 24, 2013 0

“What if?” only two small words, but with enormous consequences.

What If?  A question that is often asked in our lives  ”What if?” is the catalyst for why many people choose to prepare for hard times, purchase insurance on their homes, cars and lives and is the reason for why so many of us are grateful that things are not worse! The question of “What…
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February 21, 2013 0

Learn how to prepare for the future with skills of the past with Ozark Mountains Preparedness!

A very special Sunday heads your way on Jan 20th 2013 as The Other Side of a Preppers Path spans the country from the Selkirk & Cabinet Mountains of Idaho to the Ozark Mountains of Arkansas.  Learn first-hand how to prepare for the future with skills of the past with Jerry Ward of Ozark Mountains Preparedness. Jerry…
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January 20, 2013 0

Hurricane Sandy and the fiasco!

Karen with ” In Time of Disaster” and the Hurricane Sandy and fiasco! After the 35+ years in disaster and emergency services I’ve come to the conclusion that Ugly is only skin deep, whereas stupid runs all the way to the bone. After watching the fiasco that is the aftermath of hurricane Sandy and watching…
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November 7, 2012 0

What if we are hit with a Plague?

As Preppers, we plan for the worst and hope for the best. We just never know from one day to the next what can impact our lives. There are some things such as natural disasters and accidents we expect to happen, and although they can leave us feeling at a loss, a plague, is a…
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October 5, 2012 0

What’s going on in the world today? Do we need to prepare?

Tonight’s show topic open “The Lost Art of Prepping” is discussing what’s going on in the world today and is this signs of what is coming? And how does it affect you as a prepper, survivalist or just anyone concerned with what lays ahead. What can you do to make stronger efforts? As seasoned preppers…
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September 26, 2012 0

Common sense ways to prepare, knowledge and experience!

Over the centuries, taking care of yourself and your family has fallen by the wayside to almost total dependence on others for our smallest of needs.  Most people are totally unprepared for any type of emergency. Join us on our journey, to re-educate and re-gain our independence towards self-sufficiency.  Together, we can decide what is important to us in…
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September 22, 2012 0

Over 50? Save a little money for your preps!

In these dire times we all can use some help. If you are a prepper, like many of us it’s scrimp and save to prepare. I recently received this email from a dear friend and found worth posting and sharing with all of you. I believe that most preppers are in the 50 plus year…
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September 8, 2012 0

Herbalist, Susun Weed joins The Other Side…A Preppers Path!

The debilitating cost of medical treatment in today’s world is a specter for all.  That specter looms directly in the form of the Big Pharmaceutical Company. The price and actual safety of the medicines many have come to depend upon is definitely in question and inflated beyond reach for those most in need.  What is…
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August 23, 2012 0

Coping if energy sources suddenly disappeared!

By Doug: Prepping With Goat Hollow It’s been estimated that the modern family’s dependence on fossil fuels, is equivalent to having around 100 human slaves living in your basement.  To replace the energy we use in our modern lives, those slaves would have to toil for us, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.…
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July 11, 2012 0

Prepper Folks visits with Mr Real Economics and others for a Round Table Talk on Prepping!

Our planned guest, Natalie Foster from Girl’s Guide to Guns, was unable to make tonight’s show but good preppers always have a plan B. So, Mr Real Economic joins  The Folks this Saturday night for as we celebrate our first month with Prepper Broadcasting. You can get to know The Prepper Folks a  little better…
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July 7, 2012 0

Happy to Survive!

A new magazine has just hit the internet for Preppers and Survivalists alike, “Happy to Survive” and not just another doom and gloom magazine. The founder and contributors to this new magazine have gone all out to provide us all with the “best” in informative and useful information you can find. Topics are endless, articles…
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July 6, 2012 0

The Premier debut Aj’s Prep Talk!

We all have to start somewhere! When did you realize that you needed to do more? What was your first step? What advise can you give to us baby preppers trying to find our way? These are just some of the questions Aj asked our very own Goat Hollow on her very exciting debut show…
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July 2, 2012 0