Tag: prepare

Prepare Defend Lead with Joe Prim on I AM Liberty

Listen to “Prepare Defend Lead with Joe Prim on I AM Liberty” on Spreaker. 0 (13s): Prepper Broadcasting Network. We have to hit the reset button and create a true culture. Prepare starting at a very young age is still training all the way up to what is it that gentlemen wish? What would they…
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November 12, 2020 0

Too late to prepare? with The Gunmetal Armory

Listen to “TGA- Too late to prepare?” on Spreaker. 0 (14s): Broadcasting network. We have to hit the reset button to create a true culture of preparedness, starting at a very young age and filtering all the way up. 1 (41s): Welcome to the gunmetal armory. Here’s your host, Dane D. And of course we…
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August 21, 2020 0

When Darkness Comes! with A Preppers Path on PNB

When Darkness Comes Host: Lynna… “A Preppers Path” Audio player provided! Winter is just around the corner and with it comes a plethora of changes for everyone. Change is oft-times difficult and for the most part unwanted by many. Then again Change can be a breath of fresh air and most welcomed. The thing about…
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October 18, 2017 0

Emergency Management: How Technology Can Impact the Way We Prepare for Disasters

Emergency Management: How Technology Can Impact the Way We Prepare for Disasters By H. Davis Technology is starting to dominate many aspects of the emergency planning profession. This is particularly true during a disaster response. Since the dawn of man, there have been countless natural disasters responsible for taking lives and causing chaos throughout cities.

September 25, 2017 0

Family Vacation & Still Prepping

Family Vacation & Still Prepping Host: James Walton “I Am Liberty” Audio in player below! I know we dedicate a lot of time and money to prepping and survival but I am a firm believer in balance. I think as important as it is to be prepared it’s just as important to hit the road…
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March 30, 2017 0

The First 24 Hours

The First 24 Hours Forrest & Kyle “The Prepping Academy” Audio in player below! On this episode of The Prepping Academy Forest and Kyle take a stab at the age old Prepper questions: when do I bug out and what happens in the first 24 hours. Let’s just say that you are in for a reality check.

March 25, 2017 1

Should We Prepare for Climate Change?

Should We Prepare for Climate Change? James Walton “I Am Liberty” Listen to this show in player below! Throughout the history of the earth the climate has been changing. Our ancestors faced the onset of the ice age which was a tremendous swing in climate. This extreme change stifled our growth but we somehow eked…
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October 13, 2016 0

How to Prepare for a Tornado!

How to Prepare for a Tornado A tornado can appear as a funnel shape, spinning through the air or may just appear as a dark cloud on the horizon. Tornadoes develop out of strong thunderstorms and can be devastating and even fatal. Rotating winds can get up to 300 mph and tornadoes path of damage…
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January 22, 2016 0

Helping others to understand prepping!

What to do when others around you scoff at your prepping. Helping others to understand prepping! D.J. Cooper “Surviving Dystopia” You’ve just returned from the grocery store and hidden those seven cans of tuna neatly under the bed and in walks your spouse who lets out that sigh you hate to hear. They just don’t…
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October 21, 2015 0

Lisa Bedford, Facing An Uncertain Future!

Lisa Bedford, The Survival Mom Weighs In On Facing An Uncertain Future Host: Karen Lynn “Little Suburban Homestead” Karen Lynn is so excited to interview The Survival Mom herself Lisa Bedford this Tuesday at 9pm est/6pm central. Karen Lynn’s Radio Show first aired at Survival Mom Radio before moving to the Prepper Broadcasting Network and…
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May 12, 2015 0

Disaster Blast

Disaster Blast Host: Jacqueline Druga “Apocalypse Nana” In the fourteenth century, there were estimated, 400 million people on the earth. In 1556, an earthquake in Shaanxi China, wiped out nearly a million people or 25% of the earth’s population. If you woke up tomorrow morning and heard on the news that a massive earthquake hit…
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September 18, 2014 0

Will Preppers Die?

Will Preppers Die? In the event of a major cataclysmic event Preppers will die. How many, which ones and why? This will all depend on the event, the severity of the event, and your preps. If you take a hard look at all the different scenarios that could happen, the magnitude of each, and the…
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August 26, 2014 1

Re-root USA!

Re-root USA! Host: James Walton “I Am Liberty” When there is as much corruption in the air that its nearly palpable I often breakdown. When we have no idea what our country will look like in 20 years or how our children will make a living it always helps me to go back to the…
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June 27, 2014 0