Tag: Preparation

Google prepare, preparation or prepper and what do you get?

Have you noticed? While the term prepper might be getting a bit of a slap have you noticed what’s going on?  Take a look at Facebook and the posts appearing on so many walls, type “prepare, preparation or prepper” in your browser, how many hits are you getting.  YES it’s happening; the small grassroots ripple to…
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May 6, 2013 0

The medicine cabinet outside!

This episode of “Foraging For Life” we will look a few more resources nature has to offer in the way of medicinal plants and herbs. There are several plants and herbs that are in natures medicine cabinet that can help us when no other resources are available. We will talk about a few of these…
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December 28, 2012 1

“Common Sense Prepping” We have that!

“Common Sense Prepping” We have that! Their is a new show in town “Common Sense Prepping” with Deb aka “PerbainPrepper” and this weeks guests will be SouthernBelle and a few of Debs’ students, who will discuss how preparation has given them a calm heart in fearful times. Deb talks about common sense things we can do right now to plan…
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September 14, 2012 0

What a haul in preps!

For most of us it’s a little at a time to stock up on them preps. For others it may be a little more but just a little less often in stockpiling them preparations. Then there are those that either save up or have the cash for the big haul. Of course it doe’s not…
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February 29, 2012 0