Tag: Practice

Devoting Time to the Dry Run “Practice”

Devoting Time to the Dry Run “Practice” Ryan Buford “The Next Generation” Audio player below! In this episode, we explore the importance of taking a dry run – a testing process “practice” to mitigate the effects of possible failure. In most situations where Murphy’s Law comes into play you’ll need to pull out all the…
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June 25, 2018 1

New to Prepping? Hiking, The Best Thing You Can Do!

New to Prepping? Here’s why Hiking is The Best Thing You Can Do A lot of newbie preppers start out with buying things. Emergency food, water, survival knives, bug out bags… who hasn’t felt safer after buying some preps. In reality, this is the worst thing you can do as a newbie prepper. You buy…
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August 29, 2015 0