Tag: poultices

Poultices and Salves

Poultices and Salves Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Audio in player below! Herbal poultices and salves are essential elements in your herbal first aid kit. In this episode, I will walk you through how to make both poultices and salves. Poultices and salves are both topical applications and ideal for all sorts of injuries. Sprains,…
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February 20, 2017 0

Seven Essential Herbal Skills Part 2

Seven Essential Herbal Skills Part 2 Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Audio in player below! We’re picking up where we left off last week, and covering tinctures, infused oils, salves, and poultices. Here’s the description from last week’s live show. It’s back to basics, Herbal Prepper style! This week and next week, I’m covering essential…
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January 23, 2017 0

Herbal and Home Remedies with the Honey’s

When I was a little girl, seldom did we go to the doctor, use medications bought in the store or even antibiotics! I was 11 before I got infected tonsils and had penicillin for the first time. Personally I think antibiotics are WAY over used. So if we didn’t use all these things what DID…
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April 11, 2013 0