Tag: Positioning

Establish a Position and Improve Upon it Daily w/ Dave Jones NBC Guy

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July 12, 2020 0

Establish a Position and Improve Upon it Daily w/ Dave Jones NBC Guy

Listen to “Establish a Position and Improve Upon it Daily w/ Dave Jones NBC Guy” on Spreaker. 0 (11s): You’ve just joined the prepper broadcasting network where we promote self-reliance depends. The views and opinions expressed are strictly those of the host or their guests. Those of us in the interactive chat room@prepperbroadcasting.com. 0 (33s):…
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July 12, 2020 0

The Art of Intentional Positioning

The Art of Intentional Positioning Finding the Purpose Before the Place and Making the Move. Ryan Buford “The Next Generation” Audio player below! A heavy aspect of preparedness is where you are in life. Your stability – whether it be financial, physical, mental or otherwise – will have a significant impact on your kids and…
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July 16, 2018 1

Self Defense Training, The Realities!

Self Defense Training, The Realities! Host: Sam Coffman “The Herbal Medic” We all hope for the best and prepare for the worst. When it comes to self defense most preppers/survivalists would rely on their stockpile of weapons and ammunition. What if for one moment your weapon was not at your side and the unexpected happens?…
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September 9, 2014 0