Tag: pork

We are talking pigs!

We are talking pigs Austin Martin “Homesteady Live“ Audio in player below! Raising pastured pigs can be a fantastic way to put some meat on the table, and even have some product to sell your local community. But raising pigs isn’t right for every homestead. Should you raise pastured pigs on your homestead? What will…
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March 29, 2017 0

Pasture raised pork, chicken, and beef…

Pasture raised pork, chicken, and beef… The Surreal News Host: Doug Carlston “GoatHollow” Join us on GoatHollow and the Surreal news this Wednesday (11-05-14) for a special guest!!! Chad Stamps produces pasture raised pork, chicken, and beef on his farm In Iowa. He’s a Certified Permaculture Designer, having trained under Geoff Lawton. He’s also trained in…
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November 5, 2014 0

The Homestead Hog!

The Homestead Hog! Host: Renée aka Michigansnowpony It’s easier than you think to raise your own pork! If you have the space and your zoning allows it, you might want to consider raising a couple of pigs. Not only will you have the most delicious hams, chops, and bacon you can imagine, you’ll also have peace…
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October 10, 2013 0

Off Grid Preppers, food storage, hunting, and more!

Thanks to Parker of Berkey Water Filters, we were able to discuss in-depth water purification last week. This week, we’ll finish the rest of the story: how to filter water after a nuclear event, and the water boiling purification method. Next…watch out! Grain, beef, Pork and chicken prices are about to skyrocket. A lot of…
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September 4, 2012 0

Are you chicken?

  Are you chicken?  With the continuing drought in the Mid-West, corn prices have hit an all time high on the commodities markets.  Beef and pork prices are primed to soar!  Join GoatHollow this Wednesday 8/1/2012 at 8:00 p.m. Central time, for a discussion on keeping a few backyard chickens, the advantages, pitfalls, and gaining…
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August 1, 2012 1