Tag: planting

Fall for Planting Trees?

Fall for Planting Trees? The other day, my husband and I loaded up the kids and took a trip to the local farm supply store. Our objective was to get feed for the goats and sheep, and the chickens, as well as a few heat bulb for our adolescent chickens. As we approached, we saw…
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October 25, 2015 0

Foraging and Planting Wild Food!

Foraging and Planting Wild Food! Host: Sam Coffman “The Human Path” Would you like to learn some high-calorie and high-nutrition value plants you can plant in your own yard so that they can grow in a semi-wild environment? Join Sam Coffman and Mark Vorderbruggen (Meriwether) in tonight’s podcast as they discuss wild foods that have…
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November 4, 2014 0

Planting for Storage!

Planting for Storage! Host: Denob “The Prepared Canadian” This week I’m going to discuss gardening from a bit of a different perspective. There is no shortage of information out there about garden placement for maximum sun, or how to double dig your vegetable plot. You can even find more than you could possibly read about…
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May 17, 2014 0

Tips from Australia and New Zealand on gardening!

It’s 5:00 somewhere as the country music song goes!!!  It’s also Spring in Australia and New Zealand.  Join me, and my guest “Hamish121212″ from Youtube on “Prepping with GoatHollow“.  He’s planting his garden right now!  LOL.  He’ll talk about how the climate is different there, and dealing with that.  Give us a little hope for…
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November 14, 2012 0